
March 5, 2024:Haircut (散髪)

The other day, I finally went to my regular barber shop. It had been two and a half months since I had been there. I had my hair cut very short and was very refreshed.
I am also very grateful for their help in cutting my hair. When I had made the appointment on the phone a few days before, I had asked them to cut my hair on a regular chair instead of a barber chair. I was unsure of being able to sit on the barber chair with my hurt knee. I had also told them that I did not need to have my hair washed and my face shaved.
But when I went to the shop, they asked me to sit on the barber chair and helped me to sit on it. And they cut and washed my hair and shaved my face, as usual. It was a regular service, but it made me feel more refreshed than ever because I was not expecting it this time. I also got a lot of help from them after the service. They helped me to stand up from the chair and to wear a coat while standing on it. Moreover, they gave me my cane when I got off the chair. These extra services made me feel more comfortable and refreshed than ever.
I was acutely aware that I was right to have chosen the shop. I have been using it for a long time and have been on very good terms with them during that time. I would not have got the same service as I had this time if I had not used it for a long time.
I really appreciate a lot of their help for me. I will use it as long as I can go ther on my own.

 でも、店に行くと、理容椅子に座るように言われ、座るのを手伝ってくれました。そして、いつものように髪を切り、洗髪し、顔も剃ってくれました。 いつも通りのサービスでしたが、今回は予定していなかったので、いつも以上にさっぱり感がありました。また、サービス終了後もいろいろと助けてもらいました。椅子から立ち上がるのを手伝ってもらい、椅子に立ったままコートを着るのも助けてもらい、更に、椅子から降りるときには杖をとってくれました。このおかげで、今まで以上にきもちよく、リフレッシュできました。


