
September 7, 2022: Active Book Dialogue (1), Effects, Stimulating (アクティブ・ブック・ダイアローグ, 効果、刺激になる)

Last week, I joined an Active Book Dialogue (called 'ABD'). It is a unique reading system which seeks to read a book in a group in a few hours. This time, we read James Clear's Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. First, the facilitator tore it into parts (about twenty pages each) and assigned each to us. Then, she asked us to read and summarise it within thirty minutes. After that, starting from the first part, we were asked to explain it verbally within two minutes. The process helped us to understand the outline of the book. Finally, I discussed the book with the other two members to gain a better understanding of the book.
The ABD gives me a chance to read a book which I would never buy if it were to read alone. Further, it makes me understand the outline only in a few hours. It also requires me to stay focused when reading and summarising. It refreshes and stimulates those like me who live a lazy life.

