
January 11, 2024: English Dialect (英語の方言)

I read an article on standard English and its dialects. It was the work of Akira-san and it reminded me that English in the UK varied from area to area. When I lived in the UK, I heard a wide variety of English. As I lived in London, I often heard English that was widely spoken in the area. But, in my workplace, I sometimes heard English that was different from what I was used to. The speakers came from other areas than England. Some came from Scotland and others came from Wales. It took me a while to get used to their English. But once I got used to their English, I had no problem communicating with them. I have also gone to Wales to see the high and low tides on the beach of Swansea. Their English was not the one I got used to hearing, but I had no problem hearing and communicating with them.
But there was an English dialect that I was never able to hear and understand. That was Cockney, which is spoken in a part of London. I heard it only in a few days after I began to live in London. At that time, I was not ready to hear the dialect as I still needed time to get used to English which was widely used in London. It was when I went to a bank with a treasurer to open my first account in the UK that I heard it for the first time. When he spoke to me, I was never able to hear and understand what he was saying. It was not English I was used to hearing and it was as if I heard another language. I had felt that I would not be able to live in the UK if the treasurer’s English were standard in London. I was very relieved to see that his English was a dialect, Cockney.

 でも、聞き取ることも理解することもできない英語の方言がありました。ロンドンの一部で話されているコックニーという方言です。ロンドンに住み始めて数日後に初めて耳にしました。 当時は、ロンドンで広く使われている英語に慣れるにはまだ時間が必要で、方言を聞き取る用意ができていませんでした。それを聞いたのは、英国で初めて口座を開設するために財務担当者と銀行に行ったときのことでした。彼に話しかけられても、何を言っているのか聞き取れず、理解することもできませんでした。聞き慣れた英語ではなく、他の言語を聞いているようでした。もし財務担当者の英語がロンドンの標準的なものだったら、英国で生活できないと感じました。その英語がコックニーという方言であることがわかり、とても安心したものです。


