
March 16, 2024: Rare Last Name (稀な名字)

Lately, I have been really tempted to change my last name. My last name is rare in Japan. Until now, I have never seen those who have the same in the same kanji letters other than my relatives. In the past, I have seen those who have the same name with the same pronunciation, but their kanji letters were not the same. The name consists of two kanji letters, one of which, according to a dictionary, seems to mean a barbarian who lived in China in ancient times. I also found that the name with the same pronunciation seemed to come from Kyushu.
As a result, I always have difficulty conveying my last name to those who do not know me. In particular, it is extremely hard to convey the name on the phone. When I tell my last name to the other end of the line, the other end mostly cannot understand it correctly. So I have to repeat it several times. Sometimes, my voice was so low or unclear that my last name could not be gotten. But, in most cases, my last name is so rare that most of the other end of the line cannot understand it. Usually, the name can be understood when I say it slowly and several times. However, there are always a few who cannot get my last name, no matter how I convey it to the other end of the line. In that case, I have to change the way I convey it. In other words, I have to spell out my last name as we do with the names of Europeans. For example, if my last name is Tani, I have to say that my last name begins with Ta from the 'ta' column, followed by Ni from the 'na' column. This is very frustrating for me and makes me feel very sad as if I were not Japanese.
I was faced with the trouble when I called my regular dentist about two weeks ago. I was almost about to quit and go to another dentist.

最近、名字を変えたくなりました。ボクの名字は日本ではとても珍しいです。今まで、親戚以外で同じ漢字の人を見たことがありません。 過去に、同じ読みで同じ名字の人を見たことはありますが、漢字は違っていました。その名字は漢字2文字からなり、そのうちの1文字は、辞書によると、古代に中国に住んでいた蛮族を意味するそうです。また、同じ読みの名字が九州から来ているらしいこともわかりました。
そのおかげで、自分の名字を知らない人に伝えるのにいつも苦労しています。特に、電話で名字を伝えるのは至難の業です。名字を相手に伝えても、誰も正確に名前を聞き取ることができないため、何度も繰り返さなければなりません。 ボクの声が小さかったり、不明瞭で聞き取れないこともあります。でもたいていの場合、珍しい名字のせいで、電話の相手のほとんどが聞き取れないのです。ゆっくりと何度か名前を言えば、理解してもらえます。でも、どうしても聞き取れない人が必ず数人はいます。その場合は、伝え方を変えなければなりません。ヨーロッパの人の名前でやるうように、自分の名字をスペルアウトしなければならないのです。例えば、名字が「タニ」だとすると、「タ」行の「タ」と「ナ」行の「ニ」と伝えなければなりません。これにとてもいらいらします。そして、自分が日本人でないかのようで、とても悲しくなります。


