
【The Happy Stress Effect 009】 Ideas for Leading Psychological Safety Part 1

海外の方々に向けて、英語でHAPPY STRESSを紐解くPodcast番組 『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』

今週のテーマは「心理的安全性を導くためのポイント part 1」です。


009-Ideas for Leading Psychological Safety Part 1 (2024/03/11)

Script Translation/日本語


 皆さん、こんにちは。『The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials』の世界にようこそ。私は進行のアルバートです。今日は、私たちの生活であまりにも馴染み深いトピック「ストレス」について掘り下げていきます。でも、ちょっといいですか?これは複雑な科学用語を深く掘り下げるということではありません。ストレスを共感できるものにし、理解しやすく、何よりも日常生活に適用できるようにするためのものです。


 科学と技術の進歩により、私たちは今、ストレス反応を操る細胞や分子にのぞき込むことができます。私たちは、これらの魅力的な洞察のいくつかを「Happy Stress」(青砥瑞人 著)という書籍を使って、理解しやすい形で明らかにしていきます。



























 本日の「The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials」を結ぶにあたり、私たちは心理的安全性とストレスマネジメントの微妙な領域を巡りました。ストレッサーの認識と積極的な参加の重要性を明らかにしました。今日の議論の中心には、意識と積極的な参加が、心理的な環境を構築する上での変革的な力があることが浮かび上がっています。相互作用と個人の課題に対して注意深いアプローチを育むことで、私たちはストレスを大幅に軽減し、総合的なウェルビーイングを向上させることができます。次のエピソードでもいくつかのポイントを続けて探求しますので、お楽しみに!

 参加いただきありがとうございました。これから、さらなる力を引き出すトピックを一緒に探求できることを楽しみにしています。次回まで、私、アルバートが「HAPPY STRESS」と喜びに満ちた瞬間であふれる一日をお祈りしています。

Original Script/英語

  Welcome, everyone, to "The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials". I'm your host Albert, and today, we're delving into a topic that's all too familiar in our lives - stress. But hold on, this isn't going to be a deep dive into complex scientific jargon. We're here to make it relatable, understandable, and most importantly, applicable to our daily lives.

 You see, stress isn't just an adversary; it's also a vital component that protects, strengthens, and even fosters growth within us. In this program, we're exploring how our brains and bodies interact with stress on a fundamental level. We'll uncover why stress is a natural part of our biology and humanity, and how knowing this can reshape the way we perceive it. But it doesn't stop there.

 With advancements in science and technology, we're now able to peek into the very cells and molecules that orchestrate our stress responses. We'll be demystifying some of these fascinating insights using this book called "Happy Stress" by Mizuto Aoto in a way that's easy to grasp.

 In our last episode, we delved deep into the critical importance of psychological safety and managing chronic stress, exploring how these factors profoundly influence our mental well-being and performance. We uncovered that in environments lacking psychological safety, where chronic stress festers unchecked, individuals find themselves in a constant state of alert, leading to diminished creativity, productivity, and overall satisfaction. By understanding the mechanisms behind these stress responses and the pivotal role of psychological safety, we empower ourselves to foster environments where growth, innovation, and resilience can thrive. Join us today as we continue to explore strategies to cultivate psychological safety and effectively manage stress, ensuring a healthier, more fulfilling life both personally and professionally.

 By understanding the significance of psychological safety, I believe we've come to see an important stance in dealing with stress effectively. I would like to point out four key points to keep in mind but let me introduce the first 2 for today.

 The first key point is to be able to notice the stressors.

 There are broadly two approaches to dealing with dark stress: one is how to deal with the causes of dark stress, and the other is a preventive approach to not turning it into dark stress. The latter is particularly important because much of the dark stress we experience is cultivated by our own brains.

 This can be likened to a minor stressor that, before we know it, has ballooned into something much bigger. If we can deal with minor stress responses early on, we can prevent them from becoming dark stress, reducing the possibility of suffering. Therefore, let's first consider some ways to deal with minor stressors.

 As has long been said, if you can feel (notice) that you're somehow accumulating stress, it is effective to observe the indirect causes of that stress—what the stressors might be—and write them down on paper.

 Especially when you're not aware of a clear stressor and just feel vaguely stressed, this method can be effective because the brain dislikes ambiguity and uncertainty. The brain can lead to stress responses from various sources.

 The brain can lead to stress responses from various sources.
While the mechanism of stress response in the brain is somewhat fixed, the stressors that trigger these responses vary widely. Even if each stressor might not seem significant, they can collectively lead to chronic or excessive stress responses within the body.

 Ask yourself, "Where is the stress I'm feeling right now coming from?" By listening to the voice of your body and mind and writing it down, you're likely to realize what's bothering you. By then, you may already start feeling more at ease.

 Why is that? Each of these minor stressors, in isolation, might not be recognized as significant. However, they could be small mistakes at work, noise around you, slight remarks from someone, slow wifi, a bit of time pressure, pressure from a strict boss, or not being able to do something you want to do. Each of these stresses might not be significant on their own, but collectively they lead to an indescribable feeling of stress at a certain moment.

 By recognizing these minor stressors and labeling them as insignificant stresses in your mind, you might find clear ways to deal with them, thinking, "Ah, this is what I should do." Or you might think, "There's no point in stressing about this," or "It's a waste," and consciously let go of the stress response, thereby reducing it.

 In the case of accumulating minor stress responses, acknowledging and letting them go—saying "hello" and then "goodbye"—often resolves the issue. Therefore, writing them down to calm down, as has been experientially said, is indeed effective as it clarifies the vague stressors in the brain, preventing the growth of dark stress.

 The second point is to let go of the stressors and focus on using the brain actively.

 Writing stressors on paper is just one method and can be effective at times, but it's not the only solution. Let's look at some other examples.

 When people recognize a stressor, many tend to go into problem-solving mode. It's fine to solve problems that are easily resolvable, but searching for solutions isn't the only way to alleviate stress responses.

 Stress responses won't be triggered if information doesn't flow through the brain and body. And among the stress responses, some are derived from memories, such as recalling an unpleasant experience or anticipating something unpleasant from it. Therefore, if the brain doesn't retain memories of unpleasant experiences, such stress responses won't be triggered in the first place.

 So, for minor stressors, rather than focusing on the stressor and trying to solve it, it's effective to let it go, meaning not to let it settle in the brain's memory. In other words, focusing on the source of stress to solve it might end up cultivating that source of stress in the brain.

 In cases where genuine problem-solving is needed, focus may indeed need to be on the issue, but it's not worth trying to solve every stressor. We have limited time, and there's no time to deal with unnecessary stressors. Recognizing and letting go of unnecessary stressors is a very important skill in dealing with stress.

 For this purpose, one effective method is to do something active. Even minor stressors can lead to a stronger stress response the more you recall them. Some people might connect it to other memories, add unnecessary details, and evolve it into dark stress as they reminisce. If you've recognized it as a minor stressor, to prevent it from settling in the brain, get the brain to do something else, which is a way to prevent minor stressors from growing into dark stress.

 The key is to do something active. Recalling a memory is an active use of the brain's memory search function. The brain can't easily perform many active functions at once. In other words, it's necessary to use the brain actively rather than passively doing other things.

 For instance, just trying to distract yourself by casually watching TV, movies, or listening to music involves a strong element of passivity. If you're watching a favorite show or movie and can really concentrate on it, or if it's truly a minor stressor, then shifting your focus in this way can be effective. However, if you're just watching or listening without much thought, your attention might inadvertently drift back to the stressor, rendering the distraction ineffective.

 So, what does it mean to use the brain actively? Of course, it could mean consciously thinking about something else, but if the source of stress is memory retrieval or negative thinking, that might be somewhat challenging. Therefore, it's recommended to involve physical action.

 Exercise is a prime example. However, simply going for a casual walk or jog might not be enough to fully focus on the activity. Exercises that are too familiar or too low in intensity might not use enough of your brain's capacity, allowing room for unwanted thoughts to creep in. For example, if you're running at a brisk pace, you might not have enough mental resources left to seriously engage with negative thoughts, but a leisurely pace might not provide the same distraction.

 Exercise is recommended for its stress-reducing benefits, but it's good to be mindful of the intensity. Complex exercises are also recommended. Yoga, for example, requires considerable attention to your body as you move in ways you might not typically do. So, engaging in exercise with some complexity, or combining monotonous exercises in a way that requires more focus, can help carve out time free from unnecessary psychological stress.

 But it's not just exercise; drawing, writing, making music, building models, playing with LEGO, and thinking "Should I do it this way or that? What if I try this?" are all active uses of the brain. Setting aside creative time without the pressure of producing something great can also be a way to enrich your life and find calm.

 The point is, stress responses occur because we use the wiring in the brain and body designed for stress responses. If we sufficiently use other wiring, it's harder to exhibit stress responses. Recognizing minor and insignificant stressors and not letting them settle in the brain by focusing on other active uses of the brain might be a conscious approach to consider.

 As we conclude today's enlightening journey on The Happy Stress Effect: Unleashing the Brain’s Potentials, we've navigated the nuanced landscape of psychological safety and stress management. We've uncovered the pivotal role of recognizing stressors and about embracing proactive engagement. The essence of our discussion highlights the transformative power of awareness and active participation in crafting our psychological environment. By cultivating a mindful approach to our interactions and personal challenges, we can significantly mitigate stress and enhance our overall well-being. We will continue on with a couple of more points in the next episode so stay tuned with us! 

 Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to exploring more empowering topics with you in future episodes. Until next time, I'm Albert, wishing you a day filled with "HAPPY STRESS" and joyful moments.