
WISHING 09/09/23 マスクが決してなくならない理由〜超監視社会とシゾイド人間 Why Masks Will Never Go Away 〜Super-Surveillance Society and Schizoid Man (read10分)








1946年の、日本論、文化人類学の古典「菊と刀」ルース・ベネディクト からである。





















人は生きるために、意識せずとも、目の前の不安を回避して環境に適応するために、心の防衛機制を働かせる。(「心の臨床家のための精神医学ハンドブック」 小此木 深津 大野)













そして、統合失調症の場合は、妄想、特に被害妄想を抱くようになることがあるが、シゾイドでも、本人の主観の中で、自分の内的な情動や不安を投影した対象イメージや空想、妄想などを外的現実と思い込んだり、外的現実に内的現実を投影してしまう傾向がある。自己中心的な全能感を守ろうとするあまり、対象にのみ込まれ、やられてしまうのではないかと被害妄想的に恐れる。自分が傷つくことに極めて敏感である。(「シゾイド人間 内なる母子関係をさぐる」 小此木啓吾)









Coronaviruses have repeatedly evolved to adapt to the selection pressure they receive from their survival environment. On the other hand, people on the host side who have been subjected to selective pressure have also evolved their mentality at once in a short period of time to adapt to the selective pressure of Corona.

1️⃣Are people becoming paranoid?

The therapeutic relationship between patient and doctor in the doctor's office is a highly asymmetrical interpersonal relationship between the disease itself and the worries and anxieties (sometimes life-threatening anxieties) related to it, which easily generates images of a relationship between a strong position and a weak position.

The phenomena that arise there are not confined to the external relationship between the patient and the doctor from an objective point of view. Rather, it is a question of how the patient perceives the other person, especially in his or her subjective view, what infantile object image is projected onto the other person's image, and how internal fantasies and images distort the objective interpersonal perception. This is what psychoanalysis calls "transference". In general, interpersonal relationships develop through a double interplay between the self and the external relationship with the other person, with the internal object image incorporated and internalized in each person, such as the image of the mother or father.

From the beginning of the pandemic to the time of the first vaccine campaigns, medical professionals were the object of appreciation and admiration. Now, however, such extreme heroic images have disappeared, and the object image of the strong against the weak has returned, just as it was before the pandemic.

Even if we discount the poor interviewing skills of the doctors, the phenomenon of patients feeling angry or scolded even though the doctors did not intend to scold or anger them will never disappear. It is not simply a matter of a heightened sense of consumer rights, but also of a sense of being "scolded" or "scolded" by the consumer. This is not simply due to a heightened awareness of consumer rights. This is because Japanese society has changed drastically during this period.

2️⃣The origin of the village society called Japan

This is from the 1946 classic of Japanese theory and cultural anthropology, "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword" by Ruth Benedict.

A culture of true sin does good based on an internal awareness of sin, whereas a culture of true shame does good based on an external compulsion. Shame is a reaction to the criticism of others. One feels shame by being ridiculed in public, by being rejected, or by believing that one has been ridiculed. In either case, shame is a powerful compelling force.

The Japanese are motivated by shame. Shame is the root of virtue. The supremacy of shame in Japanese life means that each person is concerned about public opinion of his or her actions. All they have to do is guess what others will judge, and they base their course of action on the judgments of others.

They say, "I have to be careful because the world is too noisy," or "If there were no world, I wouldn't have to be careful". The endorsement of the reputation of the external world is perhaps unparalleled in importance in any other society. The Japanese place more importance on the gravity of the shame than on the gravity of the crime.

Throughout his life, being ostracized is even more frightening than violence. He is unusually sensitive to the threat of ridicule and exclusion, even when he merely has them in mind.

From an early age, one must be socialized by training, either voluntarily or forced by authority. This is oppression. The human being feels uncomfortable having his desires restricted in this way. He must make sacrifices. This inevitably evokes a feeling of rebellion in his heart.

Thus a duality is deeply implanted in his mind. And it produces tension.

They are afraid of their own rebelliousness, which they keep bottled up in their hearts, and they cover it up by feigning meekness on the upper side. They often dwell on trivialities to prevent themselves from being aware of their true feelings. They just mechanically carry out their daily duties, which are actually quite meaningless to them.

The tension thus created is very great. Such tension is a heavy burden on the individual. One must be careful not to screw up, not to let anyone criticize one's actions in a series of self-sacrificing acts. At times, they may act out of pent-up resentment and become extremely aggressive.

3️⃣Structure of the Prison Society called Japan

The Panopticon, a facility used to monitor prisoners, has circular cells with a guard tower in the center. The guards are able to check on the prisoners by looking around the circular cells, but they are designed so that the prisoners cannot see the guards in the tower. The guards then do not have to be in the watchtower.

 The prisoners cannot see the guards. Therefore, whether the guards are there or not, the prisoners are driven by the fear that they are being watched by the guards, who may or may not be there 24 hours a day. The prisoners are then aware that they are being watched at all times, and gradually begin to behave in a model prisoner-like manner.

As long as there is a system that creates this sense of "being watched," prisoners will become role models on their own. Without going to the trouble of forcing prisoners to become role models, psychological stress can be applied so that they will become such prisoners. This kind of power is used in schools, factories, the military, and everywhere else. ("The Birth of Prisons," Michel Foucault)

4️⃣The advent of the digital hyper-surveillance society and the weapon (insanity) of social networking

In the 1990s, when the Internet became widespread and coincided with the democratization of the world, it was a symbol of freedom and hope. However, after the introduction of SNS, modern people began to take pictures of their activities and publish them online. Private space becomes public online, and the distinction between the private and public spheres disappears. Platform companies acquired large amounts of personal data across borders, and the "surveillance" of consumers by companies began. In the past, people tried to hide their thoughts in totalitarian regimes, but now they willingly expose them to the public. A mechanism of "civil obedience" has been established that draws totalitarianism to itself.

Originally, the detection, tracking, and monitoring of deviations from social norms and ethics were public acts of the ruling authorities against those who disturbed the social order. However, once inside the system of social networking where the many monitor the many, social media, which supposedly had no authority or responsibility to maintain order, created a system that automatically monitors and eliminates deviant individuals based on subjective and self-serving justifications such as morality and ethics. (1189)(1190)(1191)

If we were to be cut off from the village, all we had to do was leave the village, but no longer is there any escape for us as long as we live.

5️⃣Super-surveillance society established by Corona

Corona made it easy for people to accept the intervention of public authority in the form of state surveillance and isolation of individuals in exchange for their lives. People assumed, whether they intended it or not, that their virtue to the world was the self-sacrifice of providing their own personal information, restricting their behavior, and isolating themselves according to the authority of the government. At the same time, it was the easiest act one could perform to escape shame.

Moreover, there was a great experiment in the use by public authorities of a system of surveillance of the masses by the masses. Delays in updating information and making decisions were the norm for public health directives by the government. Nevertheless, it was certain that if only the public authorities could throw a loud order into the system of mass surveillance, the young and other people with immature egos would be the first to be subjugated. Spilling over from there, the mass-mass surveillance system symbolized by the mask continued to operate automatically. It sought out deviant people who did not follow the instructions of the administration and tried to eliminate them thoroughly. It was easy for the public authorities to subjugate the entire society. (1192)

6️⃣Defensive actions of the mind to survive in a hyper-surveillance society

In order to survive, people, even without consciously realizing it, activate the defense mechanisms of the mind to avoid immediate anxiety and adapt to their environment. ("Handbook of Psychiatry for Clinicians of the Mind," Okonogi, Fukatsu, Ohno)
So, what kind of individual changes, such as these social changes, can be made by natural selection under the selection pressure of evolutionary theory, and what kind of individual changes are advantageous for survival in the game arena? What kind of mental structure should we evolve to best avoid the pressures and fears of a hyper-supervised society?

In the hyper-surveillance space by Anonymous, we must hide ourselves as quietly as possible. You have to be as shut in as much as possible. And when we go out in public, we must hide. This gives us the justification we could not have wished for: sanitary measures. Masks and hats were the perfect tools for hiding and monitoring the masses at the same time as hiding from super-surveillance, a necessity for survival.

And to be as inconspicuous as possible, to not express oneself, to not make one's presence known. The absence of a self is a better way to avoid stress and anxiety, because the very existence of a self but the absence of self-expression is stressful to oneself. Therefore, the development of the mind to establish the ego or self is unnecessary or even detrimental to survival, and the more immature it is, the more favorable it is. If there is already a self, it must be stifled by repression and tucked away out of sight.

A consistent ego is rather a hindrance to hiding because it establishes the self and at the same time makes its presence known to itself and to those around it. It is easier to avoid the horrors of a hyper-supervised society if one abandons independence through the rational ego and falls into the mental regression of cessation of thought.

The best choice is to shun the clash of personalities, which is not to be sparked violently by each other. It is best to avoid the clash of personalities, and to avoid the deep personal relationships, to be in tune with others, and to play one's own role.

7️⃣Schizoid personality change for survival of the fittest

Okonogi proposed the schizoid human as an adaptive style. Schizoid humans tend to be withdrawn, with little consistent ego and avoiding deep personality interactions.

Until the early 1990s, they tended to be isolated and marginalized, unable to adapt to society. Then came the added social selection pressure in favor of schizoids: the increase of interpersonal relationships via the Internet and the dilution of face-to-face interpersonal relationships. Whether the digital hyper-surveillance society that emerged thereafter was brought about by them or because it was expedient for their survival, the schizoid population has reproduced exponentially in the 21st century, especially spreading to every corner of the current generation of the working population.

At the root of the schizoid human is a sense of omnipotence and greed. It is a self-centered omnipotence that feels that it must completely dominate the subject and make it its own. He is paranoid and afraid that if he does not do so, he will be beaten by the subject. There is the anxiety of being "engulfed" by the object, and at the same time, there is the anxiety of oneself "engulfing" the object.

To avoid this, they avoid deep personality involvement. Although they secretly desire intimate relationships, they cannot bear the anguish and grief of "object loss" when the relationship breaks down or they are forced to part ways. Fearing that their hearts will be hurt by the intense emotional movements that accompany a deep affectionate relationship that involves joy, anger, and sorrow, they keep their emotional expression within a standardized range.

Even before entering into a relationship, they have a sense of fear of losing their freedom or self if they become involved. They tend to shy away from romantic relationships and avoid socializing with their bosses to avoid the "fear of being subsumed.

They do not relate to or associate with others in a proper way, but rather try to maintain a superficial and appropriate level of sympathy, and have only temporary or partial relationships with others. They do not associate with others in terms of personality, but only as a means to an end, as a tool. They see the subject as only a means to an end and themselves as the subject, and in doing so, they do not lose their sense of omnipotence.

In the case of schizoid personalities, they simply become cynical, shutting themselves in and withdrawing altogether. The schizoid, on the other hand, adopts the method of synchronic seclusion. They are appropriately attuned to others and play their part. They avoid the troublesome situation of belonging deeply to a group and assuming responsibility, which could lead to trouble.

And while schizophrenia can lead to delusions, especially paranoia, the schizoid also tends, in his or her subjective mind, to believe that the object image, fantasy, or delusion that projects his or her internal emotions and anxiety is external reality, or to project his or her internal reality onto the external reality. In an attempt to protect their self-centered sense of omnipotence, they are paranoid and fearful that they will be engulfed and beaten by the object. He is extremely sensitive to being hurt. ("The Schizoid Man: A Search for the Inner Mother-Son Relationship," Keigo Okonogi)

The perception of being offended is extremely subjective. Being angry is a projection of the internal image of the receiver of the anger onto the external reality, so it is common for the receiver to feel that the other person is angry even though the other person has no intention of being angry with them.

In the interview structure of the doctor's office, which is full of tension and anxiety and prone to mental regression, the setting has never changed in the past, nor has it changed in the present, in which the internal image of the relationship between the strong and the weak is easily projected in the strongly asymmetrical interpersonal relationship between the patient and the doctor. Also, in general, doctors are more concerned about patients as consumers now than they were in the past. Therefore, the fact that patients seem to feel more and more angry during sessions in which the doctors do not intend to be angry at all means that there are more opportunities for patients to recall the image of a "self about to be absorbed" in their minds, in which they are ordered and subjugated in the hierarchy of the strong and the weak. This is especially true for those who are vulnerable to being hurt. This suggests an increase in the number of schizoid personalities who are particularly sensitive to their own vulnerability and prone to paranoid assumptions.

8️⃣Paranoia is the monopoly of the surveillance society, the mask can never be taken off.

Schizoid has become the standard personality of modern man, as predicted in the 70's. It means that each and every one of the average Japanese is becoming more and more paranoid in their interpersonal relationships.

This is a slight change that can only be detected after 30 years of long-term observation, and may be dismissed by those with schizoid personalities, who have already become the majority of the population, as a mere fabrication with little credibility due to memory bias. However, from the perspective of people 100 years ago, it seems that people today may well appear schizophrenic.

The phenomenon of increasing one-sided claims from buyers that have become a mass surveillance system in itself, regardless of the type of business, and the increasing care and exhaustion of sellers in fear of such claims, is not only a relative increase in consumer rights, but also a paranoid perception that is difficult to recognize, as if behind the scenes, it has become an overtly unregarded and unappreciated phenomenon. It seems as if the paranoid perceptions, which are difficult to be aware of, continue to proliferate in the shadows, sucking the lifeblood of those who are on the stage, without being taken into consideration.

Thus, paranoid cognition provides the evidence for a witch hunt to monitor and seek out, and is the very driving force behind the mass surveillance system. Paranoia is in fact an integral and inseparable part of the evolution of the super-surveillance society, and for this reason, an automatic proliferator, like an egg and bird relationship, is at work to further proliferate the schizoid humans who supply paranoid cognition.

The super-supervised prison society we live in will continue to provide the best model for observing the schizoid evolution of personality. The immature Japanese of the ego will not be able to take off their masks forever. We believe that the future society will continue to apply selection pressure in favor of personality changes that are even more pathological than those of schizoid humans.






