






“It is always the way of events in this life,” he continued presently: “no sooner have you got settled in a pleasant resting-place, than a voice calls out to you to rise and move on, for the hour of repose is expired.”

Charlotte Brontë『Jane Eyre』、以下本書より引用



学校で習った「no sooner A than B」の登場です。実は現代の作品でもこの構文わりと出てきます。

「no sooner have you got settled in a pleasant resting-place, than a voice calls out to you to rise and move on, for the hour of repose is expired」

no sooner A than Bで「AするやいなやB」という意味。

soonerだから後続のものより早くて、でもそれをnoで打ち消してるから…みたいない考え出すとよくわからなくなってくる。no sooner A than Bで「AするやいなやB」と覚えてしまったほうが楽。

この文章ではno soonerの後の完了形に倒置が発生して、have you got settledとhaveが前に出てきています。否定表現が先頭にくるとこのような倒置が発生します。no sooonerは否定表現ですよね。だから倒置が発生。

続く「for the hour of repose is expired」のforは「なぜなら」の意味。堅い表現。

presently しばらくして


“But I do think hardly of you,” I said; “and I’ll tell you why—not so much because you refused to give me shelter, or regarded me as an impostor, as because you just now made it a species of reproach that I had no ‘brass’ and no house. Some of the best people that ever lived have been as destitute as I am; and if you are a Christian, you ought not to consider poverty a crime.”


まず1文目の「But I do think hardly of you」ですが、この「think hardly of」は「think ill of」と同じ意味で、「~をよく思わない」。hardlyにするのは古風な表現なので現代では見かけません。

そして次に、またしても学校英語で習うおなじみの構文が登場。今度は「not so much A as B」です。「AではなくてBだ」の意味。

「and I’ll tell you why—not so much because you refused to give me shelter, or regarded me as an impostor, as because you just now made it a species of reproach that I had no ‘brass’ and no house.」

「not so much because A, as because B」の構造になっていますよね。「Aだからじゃないの、むしろBだからなのよ」。

ついでにBの部分の文章「you just now made it a species of reproach that I had no ‘brass’ and no house」をちょっと解説。

just nowは「さっき」の意味。

そして「make A B」で「AをBにする」の構文。Aには「it」が、Bには「a species of reproach」が置かれています。

「a species of reproach」は非難の種。


impostor 詐欺師
just now さっき


he had no more found it, I thought, than had I with my concealed and racking regrets for my broken idol and lost elysium—regrets to which I have latterly avoided referring, but which possessed me and tyrannised over me ruthlessly.



またしても学校英語でよく見た覚えのある構文が登場。今度は「no more A than B」です。「Aではない。ちょうどBではないように」。

これも「moreだから後続パートより大きくてそれを否定しているから要するに…」とか考え出すとドツボにはまるので、「no more A than B」で「Aではない。ちょうどBではないように」と覚えてしまったほうが早いです。

「he had no more found it, I thought, than had I」


「than had I」のところは倒置。

hadの次に「found it」が省略されています。「he had no more found it, I thought, than had I found it」。これを見抜けるかどうかがカギ。ちなみに現在のChatGPTではこの文章は翻訳できませんでした。


「with my concealed and racking regrets for my broken idol and lost elysium—regrets to which I have latterly avoided referring, but which possessed me and tyrannised over me ruthlessly.」


そしてwithのなかに出てきたregretsをさらに「—regrets to which I have latterly avoided referring, but which possessed me and tyrannised over me ruthlessly」で後ろから説明しています。

racking 激しい、ひどく苦しい
elysium 楽園、理想郷



“Hush, Jane! you think too much of the love of human beings; you are too impulsive, too vehement; the sovereign hand thatcreated your frame, and put life into it, has provided you with other resources than your feeble self, or than creatures feeble as you. Besides this earth, and besides the race of men, there is an invisible world and a kingdom of spirits: that world is round us, for it is everywhere; and those spirits watch us, for they are commissioned to guard us; and if we were dying in pain and shame, if scorn smote us on all sides, and hatred crushed us, angels see our tortures, recognise our innocence (if innocent we be: as I know you are of this charge which Mr. Brocklehurst has weaklyand pompously repeated at second-hand from Mrs. Reed; for I read a sincere nature in your ardent eyes and on your clear front), and God waits only the separation of spirit from flesh to crown us with a full reward. Why, then, should we ever sink overwhelmed with distress, when life is so soon over, and death is so certain an entrance to happiness—to glory?”
