
Fitbit Senseが我が家にやってきた/Fitbit Sense has come to my house.


今日は、昨日発売になったばかりの Fitbit Sense が我が家にやってきました。

Fitbit Sense はいわゆるスマートウォッチなのですが、バッテリーの持ちや、センサーの充実度が非常によいものになります。





This is the 25th day of the English Diary.

Today, the Fitbit Sense, which was just released yesterday, came to my house.

The Fitbit Sense is a smartwatch, but it will have a very good battery life and a full range of sensors.

To be honest, I thought it was a bit expensive, but I decided to buy it because it's something I'll be using for a long time, and it had a stress check function that the other models didn't have.

I used it for a day and it looks pretty good.

It looks like it will last a long time.
