
















参考4)エヌビディアが2桁の下落 IT・ハイテク株への売り加速=米国株個別






参考8)MicroStrategy Inc

YTD(Year to date)で、71%上昇です。大したもんですよ。ビジネスモデル、もう一度いいますよ?資金調達をして、ビットコインを、買う、以上ですww からの、自社株売り。自社株を、セイラーおじは売っています。そして、資金を作って、またビットコインを買いますこの人。最強モデルすぎるw 上場企業としてここまで潔いビジネスモデルはなかなかありません。もちろん、マイクロストラテジー社が、腐ることなく、諦めることなく、ただ粛々と、時を刻むビットコインを、買い続けたから、このビジネスモデルが機能するわけです。まさに、時の洗礼に耐えた企業。マイクロストラテジー。パッと出の上場企業がこんなことしても、なかなか株価インパクトはないでしょうから。セイラーおじのような方が増えると、株価が下落した時こそビットコインが上がるトレンドが生まれやすくなるかもしれません(株を売る→株価下落→ビットコインを買う→ビットコイン上がる、のフローが生まれやすくなるから)。









参考9)米欧株相場、イスラエル攻撃の反応限定 警戒やや和らぐ









こんなところですね。せっかくの半減期ですので、ビットコインが上がるか下がるかよりも、その誕生をお祝いすることに終始したいものですが、それだけビットコインが魅力的なアセットになった、ということです。というか、目先の上げ下げなんて気にせずに、取り敢えずやすいところ買い続けて、積み増しすればいいだけの話ですね。何はともあれ、Happy BTC halving!



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 655:Congratulations on the Bitcoin halving. Even if the Middle East is in turmoil, Japanese stocks are plummeting, Bitcoin remains unchanged, ticking away time today as well

On April 20, 2024, as of this very day in the morning of Japan time when this article is being written, Bitcoin is scheduled to undergo its halving. It has been around for over 16 years since the birth of Bitcoin. Welcoming this fourth halving in such a manner is truly overwhelming.

In the history of humanity, the concept of a currency with its supply automatically reduced is pioneered by Bitcoin, and the halving, symbolizing this reduction in supply, being welcomed by everyone in this way, is also truly a source of great excitement.

As previously mentioned in this article when discussing the Bitcoin halving, it's also worth noting how the performance of mining companies will be affected by this halving. The halving refers to the phenomenon where the block rewards during mining are halved, directly impacting the performance of mining companies. In the three previous halvings, the increase in Bitcoin price outweighed the halving of block rewards, so there wasn't a significant decrease in the number of miners. However, it remains to be seen what will happen this time around. Will the same pattern repeat itself, or will we see some different moves? It's an intriguing question.

Recently, the world has been incredibly tumultuous. In the Middle East, there's been a flurry of reports about Iran and Israel allegedly attacking nuclear facilities, followed by clarifications that these attacks didn't actually happen. Misinformation and fake news abound, and financial markets are experiencing intense volatility. Bitcoin, influenced by this global atmosphere, has been surprisingly stable in its price movements, contrary to expectations before the halving.

Personally, I had speculated that Bitcoin would comfortably surpass $100,000, which translates to around 15 million yen, by the time of the halving. So, it's a bit of a "huh...?" feeling to see the current situation. Frankly speaking, even when there were sudden reports of military tensions rising in the Middle East, my initial thought was, "Bitcoin tends to thrive during times of conflict," but then the price plummeted at a terrifying pace, surpassing any expectations.

・Its supply is limited to 21 million coins.
・It boasts immense liquidity.
・It has never been hacked and the system has never experienced downtime.
・All transaction histories can be traced back to the genesis block, the very first block created.
・All payments are encrypted.
・It is expected to be adopted as a currency by various nations in the future.

Bitcoin, possessing such characteristics, theoretically shouldn't experience declines during times of war, crisis, or financial shocks. Yet, for some reason, market volatility dictates otherwise. Certainly, events such as tensions in the Middle East, fluctuations in US interest rates, semiconductor shocks, and others have had significant market impacts. Nevertheless, Bitcoin continues to quietly mark time and record transaction histories.

"It's only natural then that we continue to quietly accumulate Bitcoin," goes the reasoning. Whether financial shocks hit, the world becomes embroiled in nuclear warfare, massive earthquakes occur, or the Earth experiences a supernova explosion, steadfastly continuing to dollar-cost average Bitcoin purchases becomes a testament to loyalty towards Bitcoin, a badge of honor for Bitcoiners.

As we eagerly approach the fourth halving milestone, a historic day in Bitcoin's journey, today marks the celebration of Bitcoin's halving, and we aim to delve into the theme of what lies ahead for Bitcoin post-halving. We'll examine, evaluate, and elucidate various factors to forecast its future possibilities. Of course, we'll also provide insights into the financial markets (stocks, forex, US stocks) that significantly influence Bitcoin prices, so stay tuned. I hope to share our recent keen market insights with all of you. Without further ado, let's begin.

1.Who sells, and who buys?

As you can see, the recent decline in Bitcoin prices due to developments in the Middle East and crashes in the financial markets has been quite evident. However, this particular downturn has been rather severe. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to revisit the question of who sold and who bought during this downturn. Please refer to this article.

Reference 1) Grayscale's Bitcoin physical ETF, with Bitcoin holdings halved ahead of the halving.

It's an undeniable fact that physical ETFs have contributed to the buying pressure in the recent Bitcoin environment. However, according to the article, the reason Grayscale's physical ETF halved its holdings was due to high fees. This leads to the hypothesis that many investors may have switched from Grayscale to other ETFs. In fact, when you combine the total amount of Bitcoin held by the 10 physical ETFs currently in operation, it reaches a staggering 860,000, which accounts for 4% of the total possible issuance. In just over three months, 4% of the total possible issuance has been bought by investors through ETFs. Simply put, if 48% of Bitcoin were absorbed by ETFs over a mere four years, that would amount to roughly 10 million coins (this is just a rough estimate based on the total issuance of 21 million coins).

While there are financial products like physical Bitcoin ETFs where inflows increase, naturally, there are also sellers. But who exactly are the people selling Bitcoin? Huh? Selling Bitcoin isn't done by people anymore? I get where you're coming from, but the Bitcoin ecosystem needs players who sell Bitcoin. More accurately, it's the players who mine Bitcoin that are vital for the Bitcoin ecosystem to function. They have to sell Bitcoin to make money to keep mining. Who are these players? That's right, mining companies.

Reference 2) Even as Bitcoin's halving approaches, the top 5 mining companies are not selling BTC.

According to this article, despite the impending halving, which typically creates selling pressure, it's evident that most mining operators, who would likely exert the most selling pressure, are not selling much. Mining rewards are visibly decreasing with each halving, leading to a noticeable decline in mining profits as well. Yet, mining operators are holding onto their Bitcoin without selling. Truly, they are the stalwarts, the samurais of the Bitcoin world. Without mining operators, there would be no one to mine, transactions would quickly stall, and liquidity would dry up. While it's likely that alternatives to mining operators will emerge, they still contribute significantly to the Bitcoin ecosystem. It was surprising to discover that they are "not selling as much as expected." However, given the significant decline in profits, there is cause for concern. The assumption that "a moderate number of miners exist" is crucial for the premise that Bitcoin prices will continue to rise. If this assumption falters, there remains a possibility that Bitcoin may not rise as expected.

In any case, the significant buyers remain individual investors via physical ETFs, and the major sellers are still mining operators. The balance of this buy-sell power, whether the buy side prevails or the sell side prevails, will determine the price fluctuations. Other participants in trading are individuals. However, I suspect that behind these individuals, there are "states" quietly involved. If these states decide to enter the market, I believe the price of Bitcoin could reach 400 million yen per coin. I'll delve into this further when more information is available.

2.Bitcoin is inherently a risk-off asset

First, please take a look at this article.

Reference 3) Concerns over Rapid Increase in US Debt Driving Up Prices of Gold and Bitcoin

The article itself is quite broad, so it basically ends with a "So what?" But if we simplify it, Bitcoin is fundamentally positioned in the opposite direction from existing financial products. After all, its supply is limited. There are no strange regulations. It allows for free transactions, and its value and liquidity are guaranteed. Essentially, as a financial product, it has completely shattered conventions. In other words, it's resilient during crises. If there's any shock, it's an asset where buying is guaranteed to occur.

Reference 4) Nvidia sees double-digit decline as selling accelerates in IT and high-tech stocks = Individual US stock

Nevertheless, despite being a risk-off asset, Bitcoin saw a more significant price drop than anticipated during this shock sell-off. "Wait, isn't it supposed to be a risk-off asset?" I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had that thought. Frankly, I thought it was "oversold," but Bitcoin has somewhat rebounded in price from the overnight trading this morning.

The semiconductor industry, which has led the world's stock markets, and the AI bubble are certainly intertwined. Of course, they are interconnected; when AI buzzes, semiconductors sell, and if semiconductors are unavailable, AI gets reconsidered, and so on, pushing stock prices up vigorously. However, recently, semiconductor stocks have shown caution signs, and with the rise in US yields (halt in rate cuts), the stock market, which surged in a short period, has effectively been issued a speeding ticket.

Semiconductors are, of course, essential components for Bitcoin mining machines. The fantasy that a rise in semiconductors leads to increased costs for Bitcoin mining machines, resulting in cost-push inflation and subsequently pushing up Bitcoin prices, is not entirely implausible. It's quite a stretch, but not impossible. In other words, it's not entirely untrue to say that there's some correlation between semiconductors and cryptocurrencies. In reality, there's hardly any correlation, though, haha. It's a kind of fantasy, akin to the idea that "when the wind blows, the cooper profits." Therefore, it's not entirely out of the question to interpret that Bitcoin might have fallen alongside the recent stock market decline.

In fact, it's during times when the stock market drops, or there's a conflict somewhere, or when earthquakes or disasters occur, that Bitcoin and gold should be bought.

Reference 6) Gold/USD

When you look at this chart, you can sense the solidity of gold, but Bitcoin still feels a bit shaky compared to gold. That's just my impression. Perhaps it's because of the historical difference accumulated over the years.

Reference 7) Michael Saylor, Chairman of MicroStrategy, makes a profit of 57 billion yen by selling company stock.

Michael Saylor is the epitome of someone who firmly distinguishes between financial products and the asset class of Bitcoin, maximizing the benefits of each. There's no one else quite like him. With a remarkably simple business model of (1) raising funds from the stock market and (2) buying Bitcoin like there's no tomorrow, he's simply the best. The strongest. The greatest.

Saylor, the cool uncle, has relentlessly continued to buy more Bitcoin, whether it's going up, down, or crashing to the sky, and has reached this position. To an outsider, he may seem half-crazed, buying Bitcoin like a madman, but look at the stock price.

Reference 8) MicroStrategy Inc.

YTD (Year to Date), it's up 71%. Quite impressive, isn't it? Let's reiterate the business model, shall we? Raise funds, buy Bitcoin. That's it, haha. And then, selling company stock. Mr. Saylor is selling his company's stock. And then, he uses the funds to buy more Bitcoin. This guy's model is just too strong, haha. It's rare to see such a straightforward business model from a publicly traded company. Of course, MicroStrategy has continued to buy Bitcoin steadily, without faltering or giving up, and that's why this business model works. Truly, a company that has endured the test of time. MicroStrategy. If a lesser-known publicly traded company were to do something like this, it probably wouldn't have much of an impact on its stock price. But with more individuals like Mr. Saylor, a trend might emerge where Bitcoin rises when the stock market falls (selling stocks → stock prices fall → buying Bitcoin → Bitcoin rises), making it more likel

3.When will Bitcoin reach its all-time high?

Now, let's get into the main topic. Honestly, I never dreamed that Bitcoin would be trading at such a low price just before the halving. I was fairly serious when I thought, "Before the halving, it will easily hit $100,000, then $150,000, and by the end of the year, even estimating conservatively, it would finish around $350,000." So, seriously, I can't shake off the feeling of "Wait... haha." Of course, from buying steadily every month, even from a few thousand yen or a few tens of thousands of yen, I'm very happy that Bitcoin is in the optimal price range right now.

As of the time of writing (2024/4/20), despite being just an hour away from the halving, the price hasn't moved much. So, it's a matter of waiting patiently to see whether we'll pass through the halving with just this range of prices, whether there will be actual selling, or whether a switch will be flipped and prices will rise again.

With the approval of physical ETFs, Bitcoin has gained increased direct access from the financial markets, for better or worse. This essentially means that when stock prices fall, (foolish) investors can easily dump Bitcoin along with their other assets.

As a result, there's an increasing need to look at the financial markets when assessing the price of Bitcoin. In the current panic-like market, it becomes difficult to confidently say, "Bitcoin will rise this much on this day."

Stocks and currencies, as I'll explain later, can be predicted almost precisely in terms of timing and price movements because they are observed daily and are easily understandable. Moreover, their rhythms sync with the market. Once they sync, any analysis becomes accurate.

On the flip side, predicting short-term price swings for Bitcoin is truly challenging. When asked, "What will be the price of Bitcoin this year?" one might confidently respond, "With the halving, it'll easily be between $150,000 to $200,000 (smirking)." Similarly, if asked about the price five years from now, one might assert, "It will easily surpass $10 million and hit $40 million (with conviction)." Such conclusions stem from the multifaceted analysis of Bitcoin's characteristics—automatic reduction in supply, absence of hacking incidents, participation of financial market players, and its inevitable status as a global digital gold.

However, in the short-term guessing game of "What will Bitcoin be tomorrow? What about next week?" I genuinely have no clue. The reasons include excessively volatile price movements, rampant scams on cryptocurrency exchanges, and the world being too chaotic. Despite knowing that "ultimately, it's still Bitcoin," in situations like the current one, where the Middle East situation enters a danger zone, Bitcoin inexplicably falls, and it drops alongside U.S. and Japanese stocks even though it has no direct correlation (ridiculous).

The discussion revolves around how much easier it would be if one could focus solely on Bitcoin, such as its halving, its physical ETFs, or on-chain analysis specific to Bitcoin. However, that's not how the market operates. To decipher Bitcoin, one must thoroughly analyze the financial market and understand the forex market as well. From there, one can inductively decode the general principles of cryptocurrency and predict price movements.

So, anticipating a question like, "When will Bitcoin rise next?" I'll try to analyze it as meticulously as possible, considering the timeline.

Reference 9) Response in US and European stock markets limited; vigilance slightly eased after the attack in Israel.

First, let's talk about stocks. When will the stock market settle down? This was detailed extensively in previous columns, almost following the expected price movements, approaching the first target of 37,500 yen and the second target of 36,000 yen. This morning, it returned from overnight trading at around 37,100 yen. I'm relieved that we almost hit the mark spot-on, but I believe it will be difficult for Bitcoin to resume its upward trajectory until this stock price stabilizes.

Personally, having achieved a significant price range, I've shared within my circle that I've adjusted my positions accordingly. As anticipated, I've closed all shorts and switched to long positions within the range of 36,900 to 37,500 yen. However, there's no guarantee that it won't go down further, so depending on how it drops, there's still a possibility of re-entering short positions. At least, considering how much the overall market has been disrupted in April, I don't think this volatility will settle down easily. It could be seen as anticipating the "Sell in May" or even a terrifying scenario of "the real panic coming with Sell in May."

As reiterated, in the view of this article, the basic stance is that "37,500, diving into around 36,000 yen is the best scenario, but if it goes below that, it may start to look like the end." So, I'm thinking that there might be a rebound next week. If stocks rebound, it could have a positive impact on cryptocurrencies (although originally it's negative as an asset; it's not good for the market to confuse risk-on and risk-off). Therefore, I'm hoping that after today's halving, the price will gradually start to recover from next week onwards.

The problem lies with the exchange rate. 154.70. This is the culprit. Seriously, what's up with this? There's something here. A solid resistance. A massive resistance at 154.70. It's just not breaking through. Not at all. Whenever it seems like it might break, it gets pushed back. And it repeats. It's frustrating to watch, but for some reason, this 154.70 is just incredibly heavy.

As a trend, when the dollar strengthens against the yen, Bitcoin also tends to strengthen. Simply put, when the dollar is high and the yen is low, it becomes easier for individual Japanese investors to buy. Moreover, when the dollar is strong but other currencies are weak—indicating accelerated inflation—foreigners also find it imperative to buy Bitcoin. Therefore, the strength of the dollar against the yen is undoubtedly a positive for Bitcoin. But this solid resistance is getting in the way. How many times has it hit 154.70? It's relentless. That's the story. It would probably be better if it shot up to around 160 yen at once. Then, there's intervention, but it's ineffective, and it's over. Anyway, the dollar against the yen is heavy. If this heavy dollar-yen barrier isn't broken, it might be difficult for Bitcoin to reach its all-time high.

The ideal scenario is when the stock market, bond market, and currency market experience a significant downturn while Bitcoin alone rises. However, observing the markets, it doesn't seem to be playing out that way. It appears that either stocks, currencies, or Bitcoin will break out first, with the others following suit.

To summarize:

・The peak of Bitcoin is probably influenced by stocks and forex (unintentionally).
・Stocks are likely to bottom out and rebound soon.
・Bitcoin before the halving was honestly a surprise disappointment.
・If Bitcoin, after the halving, miraculously reaches a high price (within a day or two), stock prices will also show a clear rebound.
・If stock prices rebound distinctly next week, Bitcoin will also rebound (though, the full-scale rebound is yet to come).
・Ultimately, where stocks and forex rebound will be essential in predicting Bitcoin's price.
・In the short term, there seems to be no overheating rise (until May), in the medium term, it is likely to rise with the recovery of stocks (until September), and in the latter half, it is likely to gain momentum (until December).

That's about it. Since it's the halving after all, rather than worrying about whether Bitcoin will rise or fall, it's more about celebrating its birth. It just goes to show how attractive Bitcoin has become as an asset. In fact, instead of worrying about short-term fluctuations, it's just a matter of buying in at a comfortable level and accumulating. Anyway, Happy BTC halving!

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

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"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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