田中秀男 (Hideo TANAKA)


田中秀男 (Hideo TANAKA)

専門はフォーカシングとジェンドリンの哲学。国際フォーカシング研究所認定フォーカシング・トレーナー。Ph.D. https://focusing.org/civicrm/profile/view?reset=1&id=239&gid=14




『プロセスモデル』 (Gendlin, 2018) では、「焦点化」という用語がよく使われています。「焦点化 (focaling)」は、「フォーカシング (Focusing)」と英語で綴りは似ているものの、意味は異なります。「焦点化」という用語は、1970年代前半のジェンドリンの論文においてすでに使われていました。さらに、「焦点化」という用語こそ使われなかったもの、その考え方の原型は、遡ってディルタイに関する彼の修士論文(Gendlin, 1950)に見出すことができます。

    • Gendlin’s “focaling” and Dilthey’s “purposiveness”

      In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), the term “focaling” is often used, which is similar in spelling to “Focusing” but has a different meaning. The term was already used in the early 1970s in Gendlin’s earlier work. Furthermore, alth

      • Collection of links: North American Philosophical Roots of “A Process Model” (Gendlin, 2018)

        Three North American philosophers who preceded GendlinIn “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), various philosophers who preceded Gendlin are mentioned, either directly or indirectly. In ancient philosophy, Plato and Aristotle are mentio

        • Pragmatistic origin of Gendlin's en#0: with reference to Dewey and Mead

          In “A process model,” en#0 is mentioned less often than en#2 and en#3. Nevertheless, it has been pointed out that “just because it gets rarely mentioned doesn’t mean it is not structurally important.” (Jaaniste, 2021, April). There are many



        • Philosophical background
        • Written in English
        • 『プロセスモデル』の哲学的背景
        • ジェンドリンの哲学
        • フォーカシング・ワークショップで使う話
        • 自己紹介


          A Preliminary Examination of the Concept of "Object": From G. H. Mead to Gendlin in the 1980s

          In the early 1980s, Gendlin began a preliminary examination of what an “object” is to living processes. By “preliminary,” I mean that at that time, Gendlin was examining only objects for animals that had acquired perception and behavior, fo

          A Preliminary Examination of the Concept of "Object": From G. H. Mead to Gendlin in the 1980s

          情動 (エモーション) とフェルトセンス

          情動 (エモーション) とフェルトセンス(直接参照体)との区別は、ジェンドリンにとって年を追うに連れますます重要 になっていきました。そこで、以下ではまず彼がこの2種類の感情を区別した歴史を振り返ります。次に、『プロセスモデル』で論じられている区別がフォーカシングの実践とどのように対応しているかを検討することにします。最後に、両感情の区別にもかかわらず、実践においてはそれらが連続したものとして捉えられていることを指摘します。 2種類の感情の区別、その変遷 『プロセスモデル

          情動 (エモーション) とフェルトセンス


          「私の指先を見つめてください。いいですよ。そして瞼がだんだん重くなる。そうそう。では、ゆっくり目を開けてください」 「いまー、あなたはー、このレモンがー、甘く感じられます。甘〜く感じられる・・・では、食べてみてください」 「甘いです、甘いです!」 この時、催眠をかけられた人はフェルトセンスにフォーカシングすることができていません。 フェルトセンスが形成されるには意識の覚醒状態をある程度保っていることが必要です。形成されていれば、いくら「甘く感じられる」と暗示をかけられて


          Focusing differs from hypnosis

          “Look at my fingertips. Yes, yes, yes. And your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. OK. Open your eyes gradually.” "Now you can feel the sweetness of this lemon. It feels sweet. Then, try to eat it.” “It's sweet, sweet!" At this poin

          Focusing differs from hypnosis

          When the level of the Experiencing Scale "rises too high"

          I personally call it "the EXP level rises too high" when the level of the experiencing scale is so high that it is inappropriate for the situation. I say "personally" because it does not fit the usual Focusing values. Normally, in the Focu

          When the level of the Experiencing Scale "rises too high"


          神戸市内で4/13 (土) 、テーマは傾聴・リスニング。まだ残席あります。よろしかったらどうぞ。

          神戸市内で4/13 (土) 、テーマは傾聴・リスニング。まだ残席あります。よろしかったらどうぞ。


          Day and night at Kansai University

          Day and night at Kansai University

          Emotion and felt sense

          Gendlin’s distinction between emotion and felt sense (direct referent) became increasingly important. I will first review the history of his distinction between these two types of feelings. Next, I will examine how what is discussed in “A P

          Dewey’s “transaction” and Gendlin’s “interaction first”

          In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), Gendlin discusses the “interaction of body with its environment,” which seems to have been gradually developed into his philosophy from John Dewey and George H. Mead’s discussion of the “interacti

          Dewey’s “transaction” and Gendlin’s “interaction first”

          Gendlin’s writings that prepared “A Process Model”

          There are two types of Gendlin's writings related to “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018): the first type is his writings that prepared APM, and the second type is his writings that supplemented APM after its completion. This time, I wou

          Gendlin’s writings that prepared “A Process Model”

          Dewey's position towards the “spectator” and Gendlin's position towards the "idealized observer": based on their views of old and new physics

          Gendlin wrote a paper on physics with its expert in 1983. In it, the modern quantum theory that has replaced classical physics is briefly described as follows: This view of quantum theory as an interactional idea did not begin with Gendlin

          Dewey's position towards the “spectator” and Gendlin's position towards the "idealized observer": based on their views of old and new physics

          “Reversal” and the History of Metaphor Theory

          In “A Process Model (APM)” (Gendlin, 2018), the ideas formulated in “Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning (ECM)” (Gendlin, 1962/1997) were applied and expanded in various ways. I consider that a typical example is his metaphor theory. L

          “Reversal” and the History of Metaphor Theory