
Humans of HLAB vol.6 Miko Darmanin

Humans of HLABは、HLABの最大の魅力である「人」に焦点を当て、HLABに関わる様々な「人」にまつわるストーリーを写真と共に発信していくプラットフォームです。Humans of New YorkというBrandon Stanton氏のプロジェクトをベースとし、インタビュアーの話を彼ら自身の語り方そのままにまとめ、紹介していきます。
Humans of HLAB is a platform where it focuses on ‘people’ within the HLAB community to share their unique stories and perspectives along with their portraits. The stories posted are based on the project, ‘Humans of New York’, which Brandon Stanton shares quotes and short stories from his interviewees in their tone of speaking.

“A lot of small things have been rolling into one big thing.”

When I was younger, I used to think “what is the purpose of life?” like many others. For me, the answer to that was connections between people - because alone, there’s not much you can do. You can’t develop and learn that much. Everything depends on the output and input from other people.

So, if I had to pick a central value that is important to me, that would be kindness.
I am very privileged that I have a lot of good interactions. I have met with so many lovely people and none of them has less or more value than other people to me. They have supported me and given me their energy and time, and my belief has been reinforced again and again by many people. For me, my belief is a build up of many small things than one big thing.

Now, I’ve had a lot of interactions with kindness and I just direct it back. So a lot of what I do and what is important to me is about being kind to other people, to other living beings and to the planet. And it’s important to me that everyone feels supported.

ーMiko Darmanin(HLAB 2019 co-COO, HLAB OBUSE 2018 Camp Mentor Leader, HLAB TOKYO 2017 Camp Mentor)

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「地球上の全てのものに優しく」という価値観がただ一人の影響ではなく、様々な人と関わり、支えられることによってできてきたというMiko。人とのつながりを大切にし、今でも数多くの日本人大学生メンター(Executive Committee)と関わりを持ち続ける彼女は、今年は海外大生(Camp Mentor)の執行局代表を務めています。「みんなが誰かに支えられているって実感できることが私にとっては大事」、そう穏やかに言う彼女が一員となって作る今年のサマースクールは、どのようなものになるのでしょうか。これから来る夏が楽しみです。
