
Generation Euro Students Award 2023 ①


2023年5月31日にECB主催で開催された Generation Euro Students Award でのラガルド総裁のスピーチの書き起こし。



Thank you very much Wolfgang.
And good afternoon to all of you.
You come from 13 different countries.
And our goal, your goal and my goal should be to make sure that next time round there are not 13 countries represented but 20 countries represented because that's the number of countries in the EURO area.  
And there is no reason it should only be 13, although I'm sure you are the best and brightest in the lot of those that competed.
And I know that for some it has been a real, real hurdle.
I know that you went through one and two, three, sometimes four rounds of selections, and you are really standing on the shoulders of all those that you've eliminated before you.
So congratulations for the job that you did. 

Most of you have looked at economic matters, right? in the course of this work.
But I'm going to ask you a question and that will be maybe more addressed to those of you who like history.
Try to tell me what is in common between Westpharia, Vienna, and Rome?


Very good, excellent!
Okey, you are eliminated.
Somebody else is going to have to answer the second question.
So, Treaty of Westpharia who is actually an all-encompassing treaty of two treaties, but Westpharia, Treaty of Vienna of course, and Treaty of Rome.
What is big difference betwen them?
If nobody finds out I'll come back to you.

Oh, come on.
What do they have in common first?
Maybe that's probably we should start with that.
Like so many treaties, it put an end to…
Yeah, who said that, be brave, yes excellent.
So all three put an end to the war.
But there was one treaty that was on a completely different plate.
Because most treaties after a war tend to divide and allocate, right?
This goes to the winner, this goes to the loser, you're losing this, you have the boundaries that are going to be re-established in a different way.
But, …
Okey you have the answer you 2 you're talking. You 2 guys, come on.

Westpharia is another one you are quite right, I could have mentioned Westpharia as well.
Yeah and actually it will present the same characteristics as the Treaty of Rome which is the one that I'm interested in of cource.
Because it's where many many European things eventually started.

So instead of dividing, allocating, shrinking, putting boundaries, the Treaty of Rome did exactly the opposite.
Instead of division, it united.
Instead of creating boundaries or strengthen boundaries, it had the goal to push out the boundaries and eliminate them to create this single market where capital, people, goods and services could freely move around.
So why am I taking this treaty business?


So congratulations for the job that you did. 

これはまるごと憶えておくとそのままでも使えそうだし、応用もできそう。Thank you for the job that you are doing. とか。

I'm going to ask you a question and that will be maybe more addressed to those of you who like history.


address という単語は動詞として割とよく使われる印象がありますが、私にとっては意味を捉えにくい単語です。日本語にこれと対応するちょうどいい単語がないせいかもしれません。
address には「手紙の宛名を書く」「口頭で直接言う」「問題を解決する」「人を呼ぶときに敬称などをつける(Mr., Dr., Madam, President など)」といった意味があります(これに対応するぴったりな日本語、ないでしょ?)。なので単語のコアなイメージは「誰かに向けて何かを伝える、口頭で伝えるか文書で伝えるかは問わない」と想像できます。なのでこの文脈では、「歴史好きの人に向けて伝えたい(聞いてみたい)質問」という感じで訳してみました。

Try to tell me what is in common between Westpharia, Vienna, and Rome?



I could have mentioned Westpharia as well.



Instead of creating boundaries or strengthen boundaries, it had the goal to push out the boundaries and eliminate them to create this single market where capital, people, goods and services could freely move around.



  to try to gain something and stop someone else from having it or having as much of it.


  • She and her sister are always competing for attention.

  • I had to compete against 19 other people for the job.

  • As a stepmother, don’t even try to compete with the children’s mother for their love.

  completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted.
