
建仁寺方丈障壁画が、7年ぶりに襖絵として復帰。  Kennin-ji Hojo Barrier painting returns as a fusuma picture after an interval of seven years.

前回の記事で紹介した、小説墨龍賦の「海北友松」の本物の絵を観たく京都 建仁寺を訪ねた。(訪ねたのは2019年11月) その代表作が、建仁寺所蔵の「竹林七賢図」「琴棋書画図」「雲龍図」「山水図」「花鳥図」などで構成されている「建仁寺方丈障壁画」である。

I visited Kennin-ji Temple in Kyoto, where I wanted to see the real picture of Yusho Kaiho in the novel "Bokuryufu" introduced in the previous article. (I visited in November 2019) The representative work is composed of Kenninji's collections such as "Chikurin Shichikenzu", "Kinki Shogazu", "Unryuzu", "Sansuizu", "Kachozu". It is the "Hojo Barrier Painting".


The original fusuma picture has been converted from fusuma to a hanging scroll for the reason that precious cultural properties should not be lost, and is now stored at the Kyoto National Museum. Currently, the "Hojo Barrier Painting" in Kennin-ji is a high-definition replica of all 50 fusuma paintings produced by the Tsuzuri Project jointly promoted by Kyoto Cultural Association and Canon Inc. It was donated.


Of these, the "dragon" is the one that attracts me. That is also the "Unryuzu" drawn on the fusuma sliding doors between the two rooms. This dragon has the power to overwhelm the viewer. However beautiful. The two-dragon dragon of Aun facing the fusuma front. He continues to live as a work of the whole body of Yusho Kaiho.



襖8面に描かれた雲龍図 /  8  fusuma paintings of the 2 dragons

レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
