
東京在住 / ITエンジニア 好きなもの:ラーメン、将棋、ファッション、音楽、レコー…


東京在住 / ITエンジニア 好きなもの:ラーメン、将棋、ファッション、音楽、レコード 勉強のために英語で日記を書いています! 間違ってる文法や単語、より最適な言い回しなどありましたら遠慮なくツッコんでください😊


English Diary #2023.04.20(居酒屋)

英語Hello! How's it going? Yesterday I had dinner at a local pub for the first time in a while, and I got drunk even though I didn't drink much. Was it because I was very relaxed? The degree of drunkenness seems to change depending on the m

    • English Diary #2023.04.19(サウナ)

      英語Hello! How's it going? I also went to the sauna again this week. This time I went with my junior. The junior did not have a sauna hat, so I gave it to him as a gift! I would like to go back! from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか? また今週もサウナに行って

      • English Diary #2023.04.18(飲みすぎ)

        英語Hello! How's it going? I have been drinking too much alcohol lately. I have to be a little careful or I won't get tired. from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか? 最近お酒を飲みすぎてます。 ちょっと気をつけないと疲れがとれないですね。

        • English Diary #2023.04.16&17 (ポジティブ)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I could not write a diary yesterday, so I made it a 2-day diary. I believe that when we interact with people, whether it is friends or at work, we should definitely do so with a positive attitude. I don't think a

        English Diary #2023.04.20(居酒屋)

          English Diary #2023.04.15(卑怯)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I was very disappointed yesterday. It's about a restaurant I help out at occasionally, and the restaurant has a QR code ordering system. However, a group of people kept coming in to order verbally. Certainly that

          English Diary #2023.04.15(卑怯)

          English Diary #2023.04.14(寝不足)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I've been busy with a lot of things lately and have been a little sleep deprived. It is good to be busy, but it is also important to take care of yourself! I will sleep a lot at some point lol. from.Kaz 日本語こんにち

          English Diary #2023.04.14(寝不足)

          English Diary #2023.04.13(新プロジェクト)

          英語Good evening! How's it going? I joined a new project today because the project I am working on now will be released at the end of this month. Next is AI. This is a new field for me and I am very excited about it! I will do my best! fr

          English Diary #2023.04.13(新プロジェクト)

          English Diary #2023.04.12(出社)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I will be joining a new project and will be coming to work tomorrow for a meeting. I think I've only been to work once this year. It's been a while, which is good, but I still hate coming to work! from.Kaz 日本語こ

          English Diary #2023.04.12(出社)

          English Diary #2023.04.11(ハプニング)

          英語Hello! How's it going? Yesterday I was invited to a party and I went! It was a lot of fun, but somehow about three of them ended up staying at my place due to various happenings. Is this a good memory? from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうでどうですか?

          English Diary #2023.04.11(ハプニング)

          English Diary #2023.04.10(パーティー)

          英語Hello! How's it going? Today I have been invited to attend a sales achievement party at a store I occasionally helped out at. I am nervous because I know there will be many people I have never met before, but I will enjoy myself. from.

          English Diary #2023.04.10(パーティー)

          English Diary #2023.04.09(ドラマ)

          英語Hello! How's it going? Have you heard of the Netflix drama "First Love"? It's so funny, I'm on my second round lol. I don't sleep well because of it lol. from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか? Netflixの"First Love"というドラマはご存知でしょうか? とても面白くて、私は2

          English Diary #2023.04.09(ドラマ)

          English Diary #2023.04.08(休出)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I am taking today off because I have been very busy at work lately. But I usually do programming on my days off, so it is no different. It's great because I am able to do what I love! from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか

          English Diary #2023.04.08(休出)

          English Diary #2023.04.07(サウナハット)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I finally bought a sauna hat! This makes me look forward to going to the sauna even more. from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか? ついにサウナハットを購入しました! これでサウナに行くのがもっと楽しみになりました。

          English Diary #2023.04.07(サウナハット)

          English Diary #2023.04.06(出会い)

          英語Hello! How's it going? Yesterday I went out to dinner with my juniors! We had a great time. Later, I went to a restaurant frequented by a junior colleague for drinks and met people in the fashion industry. We became good friends and de

          English Diary #2023.04.06(出会い)

          English Diary 2023.04.05(後輩)

          英語Hello! How's it going? I'm having dinner with a junior colleague in Shibuya today after a long time! I'm really looking forward to it since they're one of the juniors I dote on!! from.Kaz 日本語こんにちは! 調子はどうですか? 今日は久しぶりの後輩と渋谷で食事をします! 可愛

          English Diary 2023.04.05(後輩)

          English Diary #2023.04.04(久しぶり)

          英語Hello! How's it going? Yesterday, for the first time in a while, all of the members of our share house went out for a meal together. It's quite rare for us to go out as a group because it's difficult to coordinate everyone's schedules.

          English Diary #2023.04.04(久しぶり)