
【The Japan Times】東京五輪、開幕:At long last, the Tokyo Olympics have begun


There was a festive atmosphere in the Japan Sport Olympic Square — which sits just across the street from National Stadium 

・sit across~:~の向かいに座る

The run-up to the Tokyo Games was filled with concern about the ongoing pandemic, various scandals and a public that seemed vehemently opposed to holding the games as scheduled.

・vehemently oppose to~:~に強烈に反対する

Across the street from the main venue on the day the Games officially arrived, however, a crowd gathered to take in whatever part of the experience they could — perhaps a testament to the popularity of the Olympics even in times of strife — taking photos with the Olympic rings and each other.


Even though the crowd was a stone’s throw away from National Stadium, they were separated from the Games’ centerpiece venue by a fence that served as a reminder of the distance at which the Tokyo Games will be kept from the citizens of the city hosting them.

・a stone's throw away from~:~からすぐ近く、~から目と鼻の先

In an effort to promote diversity, the Tokyo Games marked the first time each nation was invited to select both a male and female flag bearer to carry the flag and lead their delegation into the stadium.


The Tokyo 2020 cauldron, a sphere designed with a sun motif that opens like a flower, is the first in Olympic history to be fueled by hydrogen.

・Olympic Cauldron:聖火台

The Games arrive on the heels of a buildup fraught with scandals and against the backdrop of a rising tide of COVID-19 cases in Tokyo.

・on the heels of~:~のすぐ後に続いて
・rising tide:上昇時期


The Tokyo 2020 cauldron, a sphere designed with a sun motif that opens like a flower, is the first in Olympic history to be fueled by hydrogen.


主語と動詞を考えながら読むと、"The Tokyo 2020 cauldron(オリンピック聖火台)"が主語であり、"is"が動詞であることは目処が立ちます。

次に挿入部分について考えます。"a sphere designed with..."の箇所で"designed with..."以下の内容は"a sphere"を修飾しています。ここで、a sphereはcauldronの言い換えになっています。

つまり、挿入部分で聖火台について補足説明をしていることを"a sphere"を用いることで明確にしています。
