
3Dセルフインタビュー 3D-Self Interview with LSP. 16th December 2023


I am working on using LEGO bricks to express and reflect on our own situation once a month. This time it is a fixed point observation about my situation that I made on 17 Decamber 2023.


 Click here for a 3D capture of the LEGO model.

モデルの説明 Description of the LEGO model.

2023年12月の私とその状況 Me and my situation in December 2023.

I am in the centre, walking forward with a positive feeling (lean forwards). In my left hand I am holding a pen to write articles or proposals about what I consider important. In my right hand I am holding a pen to write articles and proposals about what I think about in response to the world's currents(black wind turbine).

The slightly higher yellow path in front of you is my study to gain a deeper understanding of the LEGO🄬 Serious Play🄬 (LSP) method. It involves reading, relating and organising specialist books in various areas, and then writing my thoughts in this Note or in a paper. Beyond that, there are great benefits (yellow transparent blocks) on top of a solid understanding of the method (white transparent blocks) .

The green line on the left of yellow is a project being developed in collaboration with other LSP facilitators. It is born out of the understanding of LSPs in yellow. The second pink line from the left is a project that is being researched in collaboration with a company. I feel that the success of this project (pink flowers) is particularly important for me. The project on the pink line is adjacent to the project on the green line as the content is very close. The orange line is an initiative to introduce the LSP method to primary school that I advise to its programme.

The grey line on the right line is an initiative on the theme of new business creation, which will be explored in relation to the LSP, but is also represented using parts like bridges (light grey), as we feel it is necessary to incorporate other methods and to relate classes at the university as well.

The blue line is the international movement of LSP method. It represents my desire to actively dissemination and collection of information.

The red transparent and the eyeball bricks in the right rear represent my thought that resources (time, people, money) are lacked to realise the plan.

The high place at the back left represents my belief that we should think and dicide from a higher perspective.

前月(11月)との比較 Comparison with previous month (November)

Here is a comparison with the previous month's models.

Models made in November (left) and this time (right)

In both November and December I have a pen in my hand. Writing plans for the future is the same: in December I have two pens and I consider writing plans more important than in November.

The movement was hesitant in November (rotation), but stable in December.

I find myself in a lower position in December than I was in November (thinking calmly).

In November there were only high places I should be; in December I am able to see from high places.

The workplace concerns in November were no longer present in December.

New initiatives have been added since December.

昨年(2022年12月)との比較 Comparison with last year (Dec 2022)

A year ago I was still moving forward. However, instead of walking on the road, they were going through the swamp in a small boat.

A year ago the future was not so clear, but now we can see (and feel) it.

A year ago I only had the desire to do something interesting, but now it has become a concrete project.

A year ago and now I still feel I need to meet new people.

出来事のプレイ Playing Emergence

 In this section, three or so future events are envisaged with regard to the model, and the possible personal reactions to these events are used to explore the behavioural guidelines for adaptation.


Event 1: Heavy snowfall affects traffic and other activities in many parts of Japan.
It doesn't seem to have a significant impact, especially on what I have to do.
If my plans to meet someone were cancelled I would look for another opportunity.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. Because there are no deadlines or restrictive conditions regarding meeting new people.


Event 2: The computer I use breaks down.
Internet communication and digital-related work from home is disrupted.
Make an offer to the university and arrange for a replacement computer. Minimise the creation of digital materials, etc., and seek to do so in an analogue way.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. I don't usually think about what is really needed, such as digital documentation, so this is a good opportunity to think about that.


Event 3: More students in next year's class in charge.
It's going to be a bit of a challenge to prepare for class.
Design and try out a lesson using LSP method in a large group.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. Because I want to deepen my understanding of the LSP method and trying new methods contributes to that aim.

Find the next book you need to read first.
Seize opportunities to meet people quickly.

気づきと今後のステップ Insights and next steps

For the first time in a long time, I can see well ahead. This is due to the fact that since last month I have been aware of what I should be doing from a higher perspective. I would like to continue to do so in the future.

Note that with four projects and LSP research, plus information gathering from abroad, this may have been somewhat beyond my capabilities.

I will actively meet people and create opportunities to learn until March. I will not forget preparations for the new school year.
