

強い乱気流にでも遭遇しない限り、巡航中の機体が突然激しい振動を起こすことは稀です。ですから、そのような状況に直面した際は、最初の数分間の対処が大変重要となります。aviation, navigation, communicationの順序は常に遵守すべきです。自家用操縦士の実機訓練を受けた時の基本へ帰りましょう。この心構えがないと、「なぜ突然振動し始めたのか!?」ばかりに注意が向かってしまい、操縦が疎かになって、最悪墜落してしまうのです。

Pan, Pan, Pan, Pan, Pan, Pan, Airwalks1119, two miles South-West of HISUI, we're suddenly encountered a severe vibration.

Tokyo Control, roger. Please report the nature of the trouble.

Airwalks 1119, so far aircraft is controlable. However, the cause of vibration is unknown. Turbulence is unlikely.


Airwalks 1119, vibration isn't improved and the cause of the trouble remains unknown. We declare emergency.

Tokyo Control, understand emergency. Report POB and the fuel on board. Advise further assistance, if any.

Airwalks 1119, POB 17 and remaining fuel approximately two hours. We request a radar vector to the nearest airport. We're unable to read instrument. Please advise specific heading degrees, right or left.

Tokyo Control, understand the situation. Turn heading 10 degrees to the left. Ten degrees to the left, Airwalks 1119."


Airwalks 1119, Tokyo Control, the nearest one is Sado airport. Eleven O'clock, 32 miles ahead. Would you like to divert there?

Airwalks 1119, please advise the runway length of Sado airport. Also, we need to commence a rapid descend.

Tokyo Control, a rapid descend approved. There is no traffic beneath your flight level. Stand by for the runway information...”

“...Airwalks 1119, Tokyo Control, Sado airport has 890m runway for 10/28. The current wind is 260° at 13kt.


Airwalks 1119, copy the runway length and the wind conditions. Please allow us to maintain the current heading to Niigata at the moment...”

Tokyo Control, roger. We inform Niigata Tower of the possible emergency landing.


Airwalks 1119, we found the right flap disorder is the cause of the vibration. We guess the flaps should not be fully extended. So, unable to land Sado airport. We request from the present position direct Niigata.

Tokyo Control, roger. Turn 15 degrees to the right. The current wind in Niigata for Runway 28, is 270 degrees 10 knot. Would you like to straight-in Runway 10?

Airwalks 1119, Thanks for the Runway condtions in Niigata. We'll probably attempt a no-flap landing, so Runway 28 is likely, but let us decide the using Runway later. We request fire engines in case of fire.
