



Becoming American - Race and culture in the United States


What is American culture? For many people interested in the US, images of fast-food, hip-hop music, the NBA, Hollywood movies, or famous brands come to mind. However, American culture is much more than McDonalds, Justin Bieber, Lebron James, Marvel movies, or Nike. America began as a country of immigrants and is a ‘melting pot’ of cultures and races. People of different backgrounds: Europeans, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, all continue to influence American culture.

This seminar will introduce students to the field of cultural studies, focusing specifically on the multi-racial and multicultural nature of the United States. Students will have an opportunity to discuss questions such as: What does it mean to be American? How do people of various races experience American culture differently? How have different ethnic groups influenced American culture? How does American culture influence other cultures, such as our culture here in Japan?

Our journey will start by looking at the Asian American experience in Hawaii, my home. Students can learn about the challenges of Japanese and Chinese immigrants face in becoming accepted as American. From there, students will explore broader issues related to the Black, Hispanic, and Asian communities in the United States. Topics such as racial inequality, discrimination, and a positive move to a more inclusive America will be covered. Finally, students will study how American culture has influenced other countries, especially Japan.


Students interested in Hawaii, American culture, racial issues, or multicultural societies are encouraged to join. We will explore these topics through active discussions, case studies, and research projects in this seminar. I look forward to taking this educational journey in American Cultural Studies together with you!



ゼミ活動の紹介記事 "Seminar Showcase” はこちら!
