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Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H.Lawrence
 Yet, as he was drawing away, to rise silently and leave her, she clung to him in terror.
 "Don't! Don’t go! Don't leave me! Don't be cross with me! Hold me! Hold me fast!" she whispered in blind frenzy, not even knowing what she said, and clinging to him with uncanny force. It was from herself she wanted to be saved, from her own inward anger and resistance. Yet how powerful was that inward resistance that possessed her!
 He took her in his arms again and drew her to him, and suddenly she became small l in his arms, small and nestling. It was gone, the resistance was gone, and she began to melt in a marvellous peace. And as she melted small and wonderful in his arms, she became infinitely desirable to him, all his blood? vessels seemed to scald with intense yet tender desire, for her, for her softness, for the penetrating beauty of her in his arms, passing into his blood. And softly, with that marvelous swoon? like caress of his hand in pure soft desire, softly he stroked the silky slope of her loins, down, down between her soft, warm buttocks, coming nearer and nearer to the very quick of her. And she felt him like a fame of desire, yet tender, and she felt herself melting in the fame. She let herself go. She felt his penis risen against her with silent amazing force and assertion, and she let herself go to him. She yielded with a quiver that was like death, she went all open to him. And oh, if he were not tender to her now, how cruel, for she was all open to him and helpless!
 She quivered again at the potent inexorable entry inside her, so strange and terrible. It might come with the thrust of a sword in her softly? opened body, and that would be death. She clung in a sudden anguish of terror. But it came with a strange slow thrust of peace the dark thrust of peace and a ponderous, primordial tenderness, such as made the world in the beginning. And her terror subsided in her breast, her breast dared to be gone in peace, she held nothing. She dared to let go everything, all herself, and be gone in the flood.
 And it seemed she was like the sea, nothing but dark waves rising and heaving, heaving with a great swell, so that slowly her whole darkness was in motion, and she was ocean rolling its dark, dumb mass. Oh, and far down inside her the deeps parted and rolled asunder, in long, far?traveling billows, and ever, at the quick of her, the depths parted and rolled asunder, from the center of soft plunging, as the plunger went deeper and deeper. touching lower, and she was deeper and deeper and deeper disclosed, and heavier the billows of her rolled away to some shore, uncovering her, and closer and closer plunged the palpable unknown and further and further rolled the waves of herself away from herself, leaving her, till suddenly, in a soft, shuddering convulsion the quick of all her plasm was touched, she knew herself touched, the consummation was upon her, and she was gone. She was gone, she was not, and she was born: a woman.
 Ah, too, lovely, too lovely! In the ebbing she realized all the loveliness. Now all her body clung with tender love to the unknown man, and blindly to the wilting penis, as it so tenderly, frailly unknowingly withdrew, after the fierce thrust of its potency. As it drew out and left her body, the secret sensitive thing, she gave an unconscious cry of pure loss, and she tried to put it back. It had been so perfect! And she loved it so!
 And only now she become aware of the small, bud-like reticence and tenderness of the penis, and a little cry of wonder and poignancy escaped her again, her woman's heart crying out over the tender frailty of that which had been the power.
 "It was so lovely!” she moaned. "It was so lovely!" But he said nothing, only softly kissed her, lying still above her. And she moaned with a sort of bliss, as a sacrifice, and a new-born thing.
 And now in her heart the queer wonder of him was awakened. A man! the strange potency of manhood upon her! Her hands strayed over him, still a little afraid. Afraid of that strange, hostile, slightly repulsive thing that he had been to her, a man. And now she touched him, and it was the sons of god with the daughters of men. How beautiful he felt, how pure in tissue! How lovely, how lovely, strong, and yet pure and delicate such stillness of the sensitive body! Such utter stillness of potency and delicate flesh! How beautiful, how beautiful. Her hands came timorously down his back, to the soft, smallish globes of the buttocks. Beauty! what beauty! a sudden little flame of new awareness went through her. How was it possible, this beauty here, where she had previous only been repelled? This unspeakable beauty to the touch, of the warm, living buttocks! The life within life, the sheer warm, potent loveliness. And the strange weight of balls between his legs! What a mystery! What strange heavy weight of mystery, that could lie soft and heavy in one’s hand! The roots, root of all that is lovely, the primeval root of all full beauty.
 She clung to him with a hiss of wonder that was also awe, terror. He held her close, but he said nothing. He would never say anything. She crept nearer to him, nearer, only to be near to the sensual wonder of him. And out of his utter, incomprehensible stillness, she felt again the slow, momentous, surging rise of the phallus again, the other power. And her heart melted out with a kind of awe.
 And this time his being within her was all soft and iridescent, purely soft and iridescent, such as no consciousness could seize. Her whole self quivered unconscious and alive, like plasm. She could not know what it was. She could not remember what it had been. Only that it had been more lovely than anything ever could be. Only that. And afterward she was utterly still, utterly unknowing, she was not aware for how long. And he of this, they would never speak.
When awareness of the outside began to come back, she clung to his breast, murmuring;” My live! Me love!” and he held her silently. And she curled on his breast, perfect.
 But his silence was fathomless. His hands held her like flowers, so still and strange. “where are you?” she whispered to him. “where are you?” speak to me! Say something to me!
 He kissed her softly, murmuring: “Ay, my lass!”
 But she did not know what he meant, she did not know where he was. In his silence he seemed lost to her.
 “you love me, don’t you?” she murmured.
 “Ay, tha knows!” he said.
 “But tell me!” she pleased.
 “Ay! Ay! ‘asn’t ter felt it?” he said dimly, but softly and surely. And she clung close to him, closer. He was so much more peaceful in love than she was, and she wanted him to reassure her.
 "You do love me!" she whispered, assertive. And his hands stroked her softly, as if she were a flower, without the quiver of desire, but with delicate nearness. And still there haunted her a restless necessity to get a grip on love.
 "Say you'll always love me!" she pleaded.
 "Ay!" he said, abstractedly. And she felt her questions driving him away from her.
 "Mustn't we get up?" he said at last.
 "No!" she said.
 But she could feel his consciousness straying, listening to the noises outside.
 "It'll be nearly dark!" he said. And she heard the pressure of circumstance in his voice. She kissed him, with a woman's grief at yielding up her hour.

この禁断の書に果敢に挑戦した羽矢謙一は、この部分を次のような日本語にしている。 「チャタレイ夫人の恋人」羽矢謙一訳



