
Frontale match record ACLGS Round 2 Home match against Ulsan

The final blow is the deciding factor

試合結果 Match results

前半  First Half     ・0−0
後半  Second Hlaf・1−0
合計  Total            ・1−0(Win)

得点者 Scorer

川崎 Kawasaki
橘田 健人 Tachibanada Kento(89)

蔚山 Ulsan
なし None

来場マスコット Visiting mascot

ふろん太 Furonta
カブレラ Cabrera

入場者数 Number of visitors

試合を振り返って Looking back on the game


This is Todoroki's first ACL appearance in four years since the 2019 season. For the first time in a long while, English notation was also used, and the match was held in an atmosphere unique to an international match. Although they had good momentum, they lacked decisiveness and it looked like the match would be a draw, but a strong mid-range shot was scored just before the end of the second half, deciding the game. Frontale has won two consecutive games since the start of the group stage.

To all the fans and supporters of Ulsan Hyundai


I'm also looking forward to the matches between Japan's Kawasaki and South Korea's Ulsan! Thank you very much for this match.



