

Radio version Advancement of learning

🗒🗒🗒I'll do everything I want to do. And I want to do it without hesitation. ”Author Shusuke Michio talks about “Kikoeru” (Kodansha). Complete version of the note is now available! @michioshusuke @kodansha_piece🗒🗒🗒


Immediately after the Meiji Restoration, Japanese people knew only the feudal society that had remained unchanged for hundreds of years and Confucianism. This book is aimed at the people and describes Japan's new transformation from a medieval feudal society to a modern democratic state, and uses simple metaphors to explain modern political thought in Europe and America, the ideas that constitute democracy, and the concept of the civil state. By using many explanations and denying Confucian ideology, the intention is to transform the consciousness of the Japanese people from ignorant people under feudal rule to self-aware citizens who should be the sovereigns of a democratic nation.🖊

(Students, 、、)

