
「雷神」 「風神の手」 「龍神の雨」「神」シリーズが3作

💎There are 3 works in the "Raijin", "Fujin's Hand", "Ryujin's Rain", and "Kami" series.💎



⚡️“Raijin” Bunko is now on sale.

🌪️“Fujin no Te” Bunko (Shinchosha version) is also on sale.

☔️“Ryujin no Ame” is also available with a new cover.

So, Ryujin, Fujin, and Raijin.

There are three works in the "God" series.

If you haven't read it yet, please do.

*The stories are separate, so you can read any of them.

(🌹 game
大谷翔平は開幕戦ではなく、openオープン戦、、、?!(first exhibition game )

In the first exhibition game Shohei Otani of the Major League Baseball Dodgers played in after being transferred, he hit a two-run home run and contributed to the team's victory.


(I will be very careful in my daily life until m's high school entrance exams are over.mの高校受験が終わるまでは、日常に細心の注意をしよう✨✨✨)
