drunken anagram nonsense (philosophy notes)

"Nietzsche" has 9 letters.
"Nevermore" has 9 letters.
"Subterrain" has 10 letters.
"Zarathustra" has 10 letters.
When you flip the letters in "subterrain" around, it becomes "niarretbus".
When you flip the letters in "Zarathustra" around, it becomes "artsuhataraz".

Nietzsche Nevermore, Subterrain Zarathustra, Artsuhataraz Niarretbus.
The phrase "Nietzsche Nevermore, Subterrain Zarathustra, Artsuhataraz Niarretbus" contains a total of 62 letters.
64 modes of Change in I Ching. 64-62=2, Poe and Nietzsche.

Absolute nonsense. but it makes a stupid drunken song. I like how utterly baseless, rude and artless it is.
this is nothing but reading into it too much. but imagine if poetry is possible when reading into every letter of a word too much! a calculus for syllables and letters! it must carve into the burning red sand the royal golden letters and utterances that would make Apollon right jealous!
