My daily breakfast 私の毎日の朝食



次はサラダです。サラダボールのようなどんぶり一杯のサラダを食べます。これで野菜は十分でしょう。レタス、トマト、これにMAGIC SALTをかて、オリーブオイル、レモンを搾ります。それに生ハム、バナナを加えておしまい。


Perhaps an explanation is unnecessary. This is my daily breakfast. I eat two meals a day, ensuring they are hearty. I usually have brunch around 4 PM, which serves as both lunch and dinner, and I refrain from eating afterwards.

The topmost item is plain yogurt with dried figs soaked in it the day before to soften. On top of that, I add strawberries and grapes, which vary depending on the season.

The next photo shows sliced okra soaked in water the day before and
then added with a dash of grated ginger, soy sauce, and bonito flakes . This was a tip from my English teacher, who mentioned it's good for the eyes. Indeed, I used to tear up during winter walks, but not anymore.

Next is a salad. I eat a bowlful of salad akin to a salad bowl. This provides an ample serving of vegetables—lettuce, tomatoes, sprinkled with MAGIC SALT, drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice. I add some prosciutto and banana to complete it.

I turn this into a sandwich. I place the salad on bread topped with melted cheese and bake it in the oven. This, along with potato salad, completes my daily breakfast.


