nora(Curiosity Tutor•••皆さまの「好き」を探すお手伝いさん)


nora(Curiosity Tutor•••皆さまの「好き」を探すお手伝いさん)

「好き」集めの結果、投資家、FP、マジシャン、スプレーアーティスト、バルーンアーティスト、占い師 (手相、タロット、姓名判断、ルーン、易タロット、算命学、九星気学、カラーセラピー、数秘術、西洋占星術、ムーンオロジーオラクルカード等)としても活躍できています!



What I think about OAHSPE

    • Fairly important thing to lead a more happy life.

      • I would like to tell you about a basis of horoscope fortune telling.

        First of all, there are 12 essential elements in a horoscope fortune telling. ♈、♉、♊、♋、♌、♍、♎、♏、♐、♑、♒、♓ Let’s memorize the order! Secondly, there are 4 important elements in a horoscope fortune telling. Fire, earth, wind, water, fire, ear

        • I will tell you about luck.

          You may have thought we can't adjust our luck at our disposal. But in fact we can do it. Our luck is equal. Nevertheless, some say “I am always lucky.” On the other hand, the others say “I am always unlucky.” What causes this difference?


        • 初心者の為の数秘術
