






『バチバチ』という大相撲を題材としたシリーズモノの漫画がある。2週間前から少しずつ読み進め、シリーズ最終章となる『鮫島、最後の十五日』を今朝、読了した。例えこの先、どれほど高度なAIが生まれたとしても、この漫画のような芸術作品は生身の人間にしか生み出せないだろうし、その意味を受け止めることも生身の人間にしか出来ないだろうと、いま深く感じている。 その感動の内訳を今日は書き残しておく。 元競技者だからこそ感じたこと特に相撲に興味のなかった私がなぜこの漫画を読み始めたかというと

    • わたくしが不思議に思うこと。

      不思議に思うことがある。 もし世界が実際よりももっとシンプルだったら、この宇宙はただ気の遠くなるような時間が過ぎるだけの空間だったハズなのに、なぜ実際にはいろんな複雑な事象が起こるのだろう? その問いは突き詰めると『なぜいま宇宙には生命の歴史が存在するのか?』ということになる。 天文学者のフレッド・ホイル博士によると、もともとこの宇宙に生命が誕生する確率は10の4万乗分のイチしかなかった。この確率は例えるなら、『廃材置き場の上を竜巻が通過した後で、ボーイング747ジェッ

      • Challenge the competition debate to eat the intellectual giant

        生き残るために言葉を学び、識者達の書物を読む 知の巨人を喰らうために競技ディベートへ挑む Learn words and read books of intellectuals to survive. Challege the competition debate to eat the intellectual giant. The target is A.N. , a 3rd year word. The text is Yuval Noah Harari, cond

        • letter

          Our lives are unavoidably trapped in this era. But only when I read the letters, the great men who used to open their mouths to me. You can get out of this world for that moment. The written thoughts are to remain in the world and move s



        • no title


          It means knowing something.

          I've been looking at the same things as before, but it looks a little different from a while ago. I'm sure it means knowing what it is. ずっと前と同じモノを見ているのに、少し前からまるで違く見える。きっと、それが何かを知るということだ。-チ。第3集

          It means knowing something.


          It's a kind of imagination, curiosity, deviation, others, and outside ... 畢竟. It's intelligence. It grows like a pandemic. Even the host is out of control. It's not cute enough to be tamed by one organization. ある種の想像力であり好奇心であり逸脱で他者で外部で


          scared. However, it lacks its essence, such as a life that is not scary. 怖い。だが、怖くない人生などその本質を欠く。-チ。第1集 異端者の台詞

          scared. However, it lacks its essence, such as a life that is not scary. 怖い。だが、怖くない人生などその本質を欠く。-チ。第1集 異端者の台詞

          This world created by God

          This world created by God is surely beautiful above all. You don't need blind faith, money, or status to know it. Show God's feat in a small skull with only intelligence. Therefore, I read nature, not the Bible. 神が作ったこの世界は、きっと何より美しい。それを

          This world created by God

          Incorrect answers do not mean meaningless. 不正解は無意味を意味しない。-チ。第1集

          Incorrect answers do not mean meaningless. 不正解は無意味を意味しない。-チ。第1集

          Meaning of learning letters and reading books

          Think about it. Learn letters for that. Read a book. Find the connection between seemingly irrelevant information. Turn just information into usable knowledge. Intelligence dwells in the process. With it, you have the courage to stay an

          Meaning of learning letters and reading books

          Torture is the balance of beliefs and bargaining material. 拷問とは、信念と交渉材料を天秤にかけること - チ。第5集

          Torture is the balance of beliefs and bargaining material. 拷問とは、信念と交渉材料を天秤にかけること - チ。第5集

          Our language evolved as a means of sharing information about the world.But the most important information is a gossip.

          Our language evolved as a means of sharing information about the world.But the most important information is a gossip.

          The power of fire was not limited by the form,structure or strength of the human body.The domestication of fire was a sign of things to come

          The power of fire was not limited by the form,structure or strength of the human body.The domestication of fire was a sign of things to come

          Many historical calamities,from deadly wars to ecological catastrophes,have resulted from this over-hasty jump.

          Many historical calamities,from deadly wars to ecological catastrophes,have resulted from this over-hasty jump.

          Humankind ascended to the top so quickly that the ecosystem was not given time to adjust.Moreover,humans themselves failed to adjust.

          Humankind ascended to the top so quickly that the ecosystem was not given time to adjust.Moreover,humans themselves failed to adjust.

          No title.

          I will start writing today. Hide my true identity. That's because I can write my true intentions. Now no one has to read it yet. You don't need a bond on your pen.