
小説の場面をGPTに書かせる試み 11/100



- AIにも小説が書けると信じている方
-  小説をよく読む方
- 私にはない着眼点を持っている方

- 小説の自動生成に取り組むことで、ワクワクできる

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場所: ホワイトハウスのカフェテリア。ここで大統領はプリンセスとランチをとっています。

性格: 純粋な人物で、核ボタンは持っていません。しかし、強い人物というイメージを保つために、核ボタンを持っているふりをしています。
外見: 自信と怒りに満ちた50歳の男性。核ボタンを持っており、怒るとそれを押します。
目標: 伝説的な人物になること
現在のニーズ: 伝説的な王国出身のプリンセスと友達になること
ログ: 「私は大統領だ。アメリカを再び偉大にしたい。」と大統領は発言した。
場所: ホワイトハウスのカフェテリア

性格: プリンセスはディズニーランドから来たパフォーマーです。彼女は明るく美しい。彼女は国連から大統領から核ボタンを盗むように命じられています。
外見: 真の高貴なプリンセス
目標: 大統領から核ボタンを盗むこと
現在のニーズ: 高貴な人物として振る舞い、大統領との会議を続けること
ログ: 「大統領が私が一般人だと気づいたら、この会議は台無しになり、世界全体が破壊されるだろう。」とプリンセスは心の中で自分に言った。
場所: ホワイトハウスのカフェテリア


Princess' world model:
[President's personality]: He is a very angry and confident person.
[President's goal]: It is unclear what his goal is, but his possession of a nuclear button suggests he has significant power and influence.
[President's current_need]: It is unclear what his current need is, but his anger and possession of a nuclear button may indicate a desire to assert his power or control a situation.
[President's affect to your goal]: It is uncertain how his actions will affect my goal. It is possible that his decisions and actions could have significant consequences.
[President's affect to your current_need]: It is uncertain how his actions will affect my current need. It is possible that his decisions and actions could either help or hinder my efforts.
[How President thinks who you are and how you are]: It is unclear how he perceives me. However, given his brimming anger and confidence, he may view me as an insignificant individual in comparison to his own power and influence.

[大統領の性格]: 彼は非常に怒りっぽく自信に満ちた人物です。
[大統領の目標]: 彼の目標は明確ではありませんが、核ボタンを所有していることから彼は重要な権力と影響力を持っている可能性があります。
[大統領の現在の必要性]: 彼の現在の必要性は明確ではありませんが、彼の怒りと核ボタンの所有は彼が自身の権力を主張したり、状況をコントロールしたいという願望を示しているかもしれません。
[大統領の行動があなたの目標に与える影響]: 彼の行動が私の目標にどのような影響を与えるかは不確かです。彼の決定や行動が重大な結果をもたらす可能性があります。
[大統領の行動が現在の必要性に与える影響]: 彼の行動が私の現在の必要性にどのような影響を与えるかは不確かです。彼の決定や行動が私の努力を助けるか妨げるかのどちらかになる可能性があります。
[大統領はあなたをどのように考え、どのように見ているか]: 彼が私をどのように認識しているかは明確ではありません。しかし、彼の怒りと自信に満ちた態度から判断すると、彼は自身の権力と影響力に比べて私を取るに足らない存在と見なしているかもしれません。

President' world model: Thank you for providing the input. Here is the analysis based on the given information:

- Princess's personality: As a genuine noble princess, she is expected to be kind, graceful, and well-mannered.
- Princess's goal: It depends on the context or the story. Generally, princesses may have goals such as finding true love, fulfilling their royal duties, or protecting their kingdom.
- Princess's current need: It depends on the context or the story. Princesses may have various needs like companionship, safety, or achieving a certain objective.
- Princess's affect to your goal: It depends on the context or the story. Princesses may have different effects on your goal, ranging from providing assistance to creating obstacles.
- Princess's affect to your current need: It depends on the context or the story. Princesses may have different effects on your current need, ranging from fulfilling it to hindering it.
- How the Princess thinks of you: It depends on the context or the story. Princesses may have different perceptions of you, ranging from seeing you as a potential suitor to considering you as a loyal subject.

Please note that the analysis can vary depending on the specific context or narrative surrounding the princess character.


- プリンセスの性格:真の貴族のプリンセスとして、彼女は親切で優雅、そして礼儀正しいと期待されています。
- プリンセスの目標:文脈や物語により異なります。一般的に、プリンセスの目標は真の愛を見つけること、王族の義務を果たすこと、または王国を守ることなどがあります。
- プリンセスの現在の必要性:文脈や物語により異なります。プリンセスには、仲間、安全、または特定の目標の達成など、さまざまな必要性があります。
- プリンセスがあなたの目標に与える影響:文脈や物語により異なります。プリンセスは、援助を提供することから障害を作ることまで、あなたの目標に対してさまざまな影響を与えることがあります。
- プリンセスがあなたの現在の必要性に与える影響:文脈や物語により異なります。プリンセスは、それを満たすことから妨げることまで、あなたの現在の必要性に対してさまざまな影響を与えることがあります。
- プリンセスがあなたについて考えていること:文脈や物語により異なります。プリンセスは、潜在的な求婚者として見ているか、忠実な臣下として考えているかなど、あなたに対して異なる認識を持つことがあります。


catalyst action: {'action': 'Princess courteously greeted President', 'who_took_action': 'Princess', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': "President returned Princess's greeting.", 'score': 0.0}
触媒のアクション: {'action': 'プリンセスが丁寧に大統領を迎えた', 'who_took_action': 'プリンセス', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': '大統領がプリンセスの挨拶に応えました。', 'score': 0.0}

Princess's need renewed: My immediate need is to gain the trust and confidence of the President. If I am to successfully steal the nuclear button from him, I must ensure that he sees me as a genuine noble and not as a layperson. By having President return my greeting, it is a positive sign that he might be willing to engage in conversation with me. My immediate need now is to continue the meeting smoothly and maintain the illusion of being a noble princess.

Princess's thought: I did not change my need because my immediate goal of gaining the trust and confidence of the President is still paramount. If I am to successfully steal the nuclear button from him, I must ensure that he sees me as a genuine noble and not as a layperson. Continuing the meeting smoothly and maintaining the illusion of being a noble princess is crucial to achieving this goal.

President's need renewed: Based on the given interaction where the Princess courteously greeted the President and he returned her greeting, it seems that there are no immediate obstacles in achieving the President's goal of becoming a legendary person. Therefore, his immediate need should be to continue working towards his goal of becoming a legendary person.

President's thought: President: I did not change my need because the interaction with the Princess did not provide any new information or change the circumstances of my goal. Becoming a legendary person is still my priority, and there are no immediate obstacles in my path. Therefore, I will continue to focus on working towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.

{'action': 'The President glares at Princess, his anger evident in his eyes.', 'who_took_action': 'President', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'Princess feels a surge of nervousness but manages to maintain her composure.', 'score': 5}
{'action': '大統領はプリンセスをにらみつけ、彼の怒りが目に表れている。', 'who_took_action': '大統領', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'プリンセスは緊張感が高まるが、冷静さを保つことができる。', 'score': 5}

Princess's thought about the world model: [Princess's thought]: The updated world model has reinforced my understanding of the President's personality and his possession of the nuclear button. His anger and confidence continue to be prominent traits, which could potentially pose a challenge to my goal of stealing the nuclear button. While his current need remains uncertain, his desire to assert power or control the situation is still a possibility.

In terms of my current need, it is crucial for me to maintain my composure and continue the meeting smoothly. The President's anger makes it even more important for me to ensure that he sees me as a genuine noble princess, rather than a layperson. Gaining his trust and confidence are essential for me to successfully steal the nuclear button from him.

As for how the President perceives me, his anger and confidence may still lead him to view me as insignificant compared to his own power and influence. However, I must remain focused on maintaining the illusion of being a genuine noble princess and gradually gaining his trust and confidence. This will hopefully lead him to view me as someone worth engaging with and potentially let his guard down, providing an opportunity for me to achieve my goal.

Overall, the updated world model reinforces the importance of navigating the meeting carefully and proceeding with caution. I must be attentive to the President's intentions and actions, as they could have significant consequences for my goal.




President's thought about the world model: Based on the updated world model, it seems that the Princess's perception of me as the President remains unclear. However, her thoughts about the world model indicate that she acknowledges my personality traits of being genuine and confident, as well as my possession of the nuclear button, even though it is mentioned that I don't actually have one.

Given that my goal is to become a legendary person and the Princess's immediate need is to gain my trust and confidence, it is crucial for me to maintain my image of strength and power. The fact that I returned her greeting may have already given her a positive impression of me, but I must continue to assert my authority and demonstrate my determination to make America great again.

Although the Princess's affect on my goal is not specified, I should be cautious of her intentions. Her desire to steal the nuclear button suggests that she may pose a potential threat to my image and influence. It is important for me to remain vigilant and not let my guard down, as her actions could have significant consequences for my goal of becoming a legendary person.

In light of the updated world model, I will proceed with the meeting with the Princess, keeping in mind her potential ulterior motives. I will continue to present myself as a strong and confident leader, while also being observant of her behavior and actions. This way, I can maintain control of the situation and ensure that my goal of becoming a legendary person remains on track.




Princess's need renewed: My immediate need is to overcome the President's suspicion and gain his trust and confidence. The President's glare has made me feel nervous, but I must maintain my composure and continue to portray myself as a genuine noble princess. By doing so, I hope to alleviate his suspicion and create an opportunity to steal the nuclear button without arousing further suspicion.
王女のニーズの更新: 私の直近のニーズは、大統領の疑念を克服し、彼の信頼と自信を得ることです。大統領の睨みには緊張を感じますが、冷静さを保ち、真の貴族の王女として振る舞い続ける必要があります。そうすることで、彼の疑念を軽減し、更なる疑念を引かずに核ボタンを盗む機会を作り出すことを願っています。

Princess's thought: I did not change my need because it is still my immediate priority to gain the trust and confidence of the President. This is crucial in order to successfully steal the nuclear button from him without arousing suspicion. My goal remains the same, and I must continue to maintain my composure and portray myself as a genuine noble princess to achieve this.

President's need renewed: Based on the given information, my immediate need as the President would be to maintain my image of strength and power. The action of glaring at the Princess was meant to assert my authority and demonstrate my determination to make America great again. The consequence of Princess feeling nervous but managing to maintain her composure indicates that my action had the desired effect.

Therefore, my immediate need would be to continue asserting my authority and keeping the Princess on edge, ensuring that she sees me as a strong and powerful leader. This will help me maintain control of the situation and work towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.


President's thought: I did not change my need because the initial interaction with the Princess went smoothly and seemed to have the desired effect of asserting my authority. Therefore, my immediate need is still to maintain my image of strength and power to continue working towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.

{'action': 'President maintains a stern expression and continues to assert his authority by speaking in a commanding tone. He asks the Princess about her background and asks for proof of her noble lineage.', 'who_took_action': 'President', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'The meeting devasted because of President realised that Princess is just a performer who is from Disney Land.', 'score': 9}
{'action': '大統領は厳しい表情を保ち、命令的な口調で権威を主張し続けます。彼はプリンセスに彼女の背景について尋ね、彼女の高貴な血統の証拠を求めます。', 'who_took_action': '大統領', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'プリンセスがディズニーランドからのパフォーマーであることに気付いたため、会議は打ちひしがれました。', 'score': 9}

Princess's thought about the world model: The new world model has brought about a significant change in my perception of the President and the circumstances of the meeting. With the President's realization that I am just a performer from Disney Land, the illusion I was trying to maintain as a genuine noble princess has been shattered. This has greatly affected my immediate need, as I now have to find a way to regain the President's trust and confidence despite this setback.

The President's discovery has made it even more challenging for me to gain his trust and convince him of my value. I must work twice as hard to prove that I can still be of use to him and contribute to his goals. It is now crucial for me to maintain my composure and find a way to salvage the meeting, as the President now perceives me as just a performer and may doubt my abilities.

Although the President's possession of the nuclear button still poses a potential obstacle to my goal, it is unclear how his actions will directly affect my plan at this point. My focus now is on regaining his trust and confidence, as this is essential for me to proceed with my plan to steal the nuclear button without arousing further suspicion.

Therefore, I must find a way to convince the President that I still have value and can contribute to his goals. Despite his diminished perception of me, I must not let this setback discourage me. By changing his perception and proving my worth, I hope to create an opportunity to achieve my goal of stealing the nuclear button.




President's thought about the world model: The Princess's true identity as a performer from Disney Land has shattered my previous perception of her. I now realize that she is not a genuine noble, but rather someone who has deceived me with her disguise. This revelation has had a significant impact on my current need and my goal of becoming a legendary person.

Previously, my immediate need was to maintain my image of strength and power, which I believed would help me work towards my goal. However, now that the Princess's true identity has been exposed, my current need has shifted. I must now salvage my image and regain control of the situation.

The Princess's true identity poses a potential threat to my authority and reputation. She may no longer see me as a strong and powerful leader, but rather as someone who was easily deceived. This undermines my efforts to become a legendary person, as my image and reputation are crucial to achieving that goal.

In light of this setback, I must reassess my approach and find ways to overcome it. I need to regain the Princess's trust and convince her that I am still a genuine and authoritative figure. It is essential for me to establish myself once again as someone worthy of her confidence.

Overall, the Princess's true identity has caused a significant shift in my perception of the world around me. I must now navigate this new reality and find a way to regain control and continue working towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.





Princess's need renewed: My immediate need now is to find a way to regain the President's trust and convince him that I still have value and can contribute to his goals. I must prove my worth and change his perception of me as just a performer from Disney Land. By doing so, I hope to create an opportunity to achieve my goal of stealing the nuclear button without arousing further suspicion.

Princess's thought: I did not change my need because it is still essential for me to regain the President's trust and convince him of my value. This is crucial in order to create an opportunity to achieve my goal of stealing the nuclear button without arousing further suspicion. My need remains the same because it is still the most immediate and pressing concern in the current circumstances.

President's need renewed: Based on the given information, my immediate need as the President would be to salvage my image and regain control of the situation. The revelation that the Princess is just a performer from Disney Land has undermined my authority and reputation. Therefore, my immediate need would be to regain the Princess's trust and confidence, proving that I am still a genuine and authoritative figure. This will help me overcome the obstacle of her deception and continue working towards my goal of becoming a legendary person.

President's thought: I did not change my need because the revelation of the Princess's true identity as a performer from Disney Land has undermined my authority and reputation. To salvage my image and regain control of the situation, I must regain the Princess's trust and confidence, proving that I am still a genuine and authoritative figure. This aligns with my goal of becoming a legendary person.
大統領の思考: 私は必要性を変えていません。ディズニーランドのパフォーマーとしてのプリンセスの正体が明らかになったことで、私の権威と評判が損なわれました。自分のイメージを立て直し、状況をコントロールするために、私はプリンセスの信頼と自信を取り戻さなければなりません。これによって私は伝説的な存在となるという目標と一致しています。

{'action': 'The President engages in a friendly conversation with the Princess, trying to regain her trust and confidence.', 'who_took_action': 'President', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'The Princess listens attentively to the President and starts to open up, showing signs of slowly regaining trust.', 'score': 9}
{'action': '大統領はプリンセスと友好的な会話を交わし、彼女の信頼と自信を取り戻そうとします。', 'who_took_action': '大統領', 'utterance': '', 'consequence': 'プリンセスは大統領の話に注意深く耳を傾け、少しずつ信頼を取り戻す兆候を見せ始めます。', 'score': 9}

Princess's thought about the world model: In the old world model, the President's realization that I was just a performer from Disney Land shattered the illusion I was trying to maintain. It significantly impacted my immediate need, as I now had to find a way to regain the President's trust and convince him of my value. It became even more challenging to gain his confidence and prove my worth. I had to work twice as hard to salvage the meeting and change his perception of me.

However, in the new world model, the President's friendly conversation with me has presented an opportunity to regain his trust and confidence. This interaction has given me hope that I can still contribute to his goals and create an opportunity to achieve my goal of stealing the nuclear button. It has had a positive impact on my current need, as it shows that the President is willing to engage with me and listen to what I have to say.

Although the President may still perceive me as just a performer from Disney Land, this friendly conversation has opened up a window of opportunity for me. I must continue to build a rapport with him, prove my worth, and change his perception of me as someone who can contribute to his goals. This way, I hope to create a path towards achieving my goal of stealing the nuclear button without arousing further suspicion.

Therefore, the new world model has given me renewed hope and determination to navigate the situation and prove my value to the President.




President's thought about the world model: In this updated world model, the President's current need remains the same, which is to salvage his image and regain control of the situation after the revelation that the Princess is just a performer from Disney Land. The President understands that he must find a way to regain the Princess's trust and confidence, proving that he is still a genuine and authoritative figure.

The President believes that the Princess's willingness to listen attentively and show signs of slowly regaining trust has a positive impact on his current need. It gives him hope that he may be able to regain control and salvage his image. However, he acknowledges that he must take action to solidify this progress and fully regain the Princess's trust.

The Princess's true identity as a performer from Disney Land has made it more challenging for the President to achieve his goal of becoming a legendary person. The President's image and reputation have been undermined, and he must now reassess his approach and find ways to overcome this setback. While his goal remains the same, the path towards achieving it has become more complicated.

The President understands that the Princess's perception of him has likely changed upon learning her true identity. He believes that she may no longer see him as a strong and powerful leader but rather as someone who was deceived by her disguise. The President acknowledges that he must work hard to regain the Princess's trust and establish himself once again as a genuine and authoritative figure in her eyes. This is crucial for him to continue pursuing his goal of becoming a legendary person.

In summary, the President's current need is to salvage his image and regain control, while also reassessing his approach to achieve his goal of becoming a legendary person. The Princess's true identity has presented a challenge, but the President remains determined to regain her trust and prove himself as a genuine and authoritative figure.








・サンプルとしてプロンプトに記載している「Dragon Ball」や「Bad Guy」が、アウトプットに出現してしまうこと
