
Today, I talked to my tutor that I want to change my applying course from arts to theatre studies. I was nervous since I'm a quiet student and my image of the theatre is bright so I thought I could be laughed at. However, she was kind and just asked me the reason why I want to change my applying course and told me to change my personal statement. I was really relieved and be glad. She also said to me that you look happy.

Yesterday after the dance school, friends chatted about 'Momo' on Instagram. I did not know what Momo is, so I could not understand the whole chatting. Today, I found an article about Momo while I was searching for articles for my homework. It was a kind of rumour that makes people hurt themselves. The picture of a 'girl-like' something scares many people. My friends started sending photoshopped pictures of Momo at the end. 
