
BBC英語ニュースmemo | 【解説】 富士通と英郵便局スキャンダル どう関係しているのか

オリジナルの英語BBC News
翻訳版のBBC News Japan

■ 日本でのホライズン・スキャンダルの報道

It may be difficult to believe, but in Fujitsu's home market, hardly anyone has heard of the Horizon scandal. Japan's mainstream media didn't report on it until this week.
"Horizon? What's Horizon?" was the reaction of a former company president in Tokyo when the BBC asked him about it in 2022.
This is a person who had worked at the firm for nearly four decades.
「ホライゾン? ホライゾンって?」

■ "plug shortfall"で「不足分を穴埋めする」

The Horizon scandal saw some sub-postmasters attempt to plug huge shortfalls with their own money, after IT errors made it appear that thousands of pounds were missing. Some even re-mortgaged their homes.
Hundreds ended up with criminal convictions for false accounting and theft, and some went to prison. Many were financially ruined and have described being shunned by their communities. Some have since died.

■ "With the might of"は「〜の力を背景に」

In the 1970s, the Japanese government was trying to counter the dominance of America's IBM, and provided 57bn yen of financial support to three giant technology alliances, one of which was Fujitsu.
In the UK, the Wilson government was doing just that by forming ICL.
With the might of the government behind them, Japanese firms went on a shopping spree in the 1980s, encouraged by the favourable exchange rate.


