
職業訓練校 選考試験 - 2. 試験内容と服装




面接は学校2人 対 応募者1人でした。

2005年に通った訓練校の選考試験ではそこまで厳しくなく、私含めて皆、普段着で来ていました。今回合格する前の2023年、不合格通知を3回受け取った学校の選考試験では、そんなつもりでドレスシャツ + センタープレスパンツ、ジャケットなしのきれいめスタイルで行ったところ、見事不合格になりました(笑)。その後2回リクルートスーツで行って不合格だったので、原因はそれだけではありませんが。。。

実際、普段着で来ている応募者もいますし、職業訓練の選考になぜリクルートスーツなんだろうか? という疑問が残りますが、それが今のトレンドのようです。特に応募倍率の高い訓練にトライする場合は、スーツが無難です。

1. 当該訓練に応募した理由、何を勉強したいか?
2. 自分を採用したらどんないいことがあるか、自己PRして下さい。
3. 訓練には休まず通うことができるか?

1. 再就職するためになぜ訓練が必要なのか? 訓練を受けることがどう再就職につながるのか?
2. これまでの経験が再就職先でどう生きるか?
3. 学校、会社等にきちんと通えた経験を語れるとよい(出席率が低いと訓練を続けられなくなってしまうため)。


Hello ! How are you doing?
Today I'll talk about the test for vocational training and what you should wear in the interview.

The test that I took included 20 min interview and 10 min simple Japanese and math test. Some schools' test could be only interview or both with Japanese, English, and math paper test.

The school requested us to come to the interview with the same mind as in a job interview, and I went there in "Japanese recruit suit".

Back in 2005 I went to the interview in casual outfit, and passed the test. Other applicants did the same, and passed the test. In 2023 when I went to the interview in a dress shirt and center pressed pants with no jacket, I didn't pass the test. 

Some applicants were in recruit suit and others weren't. It might be better to wear recruit suit if you'd like to take a popular class, even though I don't really know why we should wear recruit suit to be a student or trainee : )

Two interviewers asked me questions:
1. Why did you apply for this training? What would you like to study?
2. How would you contribute to the company if they hired you? Can you tell us about your strong points?
3. Will you be able to join the class every day?

You need to tell them:
1. Why you need to take the class to get a job.
2. How your experience will contribute to the position you'd like to win.
3. You are capable of being present in the class every day. (You could be expelled if your attendance rate is too low.)

Thank you for your reading.
Have a nice weekend : )
