




If you want to train your eye for design, accumulate knowledge and be objective. センスを磨く方法は、知識を集積することと客観的になること。

This is a book by Gaku Mizuno, the creator of Kumamon and many other smash-hit designs, and it uncovers the misconceptions about "Having a good eye for design". I personally found this book very encouraging as I'm in the process of learnin

    • Information design of object-oriented UI オブジェクト指向UIの情報設計

      I took a course on object-oriented UI in an online UI design community called BONO. I had actually read the book "Object-oriented UI design" before joining BONO, but had only gained a conceptual understanding. This time, a senior UI designe

      • Gamification and Psychology ゲーミフィケーションと心理学

        Have you ever been so drawn in playing games that a whole day has gone by? When I was a kid, I used to get so absorbed in playing for a long time that my mom used to take my DS away from me saying, "No more!" ゲームを夢中になってプレイして、1日が過ぎてしまった経験はない

        • ”Distraction" and habit-making products 「Distraction」とハマるサービス

          The opposite of DISTRACTION is not Focus, it's TRACTION. 「DISTRACTION(注意散漫)」の反対は集中ではなく、「Traction(けん引)」。 「Distraction(注意散漫)」とは、自分が本当にやりたいことから遠ざける動き。 「Traction(けん引)」とは、自分が本当にやりたいことに近づける動き。 Is what I am doing at this very moment what I am re

        If you want to train your eye for design, accumulate knowledge and be objective. センスを磨く方法は、知識を集積することと客観的になること。

        • Information design of object-oriented UI オブジェクト指向UIの情報設計

        • Gamification and Psychology ゲーミフィケーションと心理学

        • ”Distraction" and habit-making products 「Distraction」とハマるサービス

          A picture is worth a thousand words. The Power of Visual Information 百聞は一見にしかず。 視覚情報の力   

          How little do users read? ユーザーはどれほど文字を読まないのか? We tend to rely on texts (verbal information) to communicate ideas, but your audience only reads about a few tweet-long texts! 「平均的な人は、ウェブページが600字以上の場合、全体の20%しか読まない」 私たちは何かを伝える際にどうしても文字(言語情報

          A picture is worth a thousand words. The Power of Visual Information 百聞は一見にしかず。 視覚情報の力