Sammy(Orizomeno Sachi)

Hello,I'm Sammy (Orizomeno Sachi). I&#…

Sammy(Orizomeno Sachi)

Hello,I'm Sammy (Orizomeno Sachi). I'm Japanese and I live in Tokyo now. I want to go to NY in 2022 or 2023. So I study English,thank you♡




NYに来て1ヶ月が過ぎました。 無事命を奪われることなく 生き抜いております。 だいぶ街の歩き方も慣れてきました。 しかし 今夜 今までで一番 日本に帰りたい と思う夜を迎えています。 はい。 😭😭😭 何があったかというと、 暑いのです。 暑くて寝られません。。。 まさかNYに来て 寒がりな私が 暑さで寝られないとは…😂 室温計がないので、 正確な気温はわからないのだけど、 朝方雨が降るらしくその湿気もあってか 息苦しい暑さです。 突然の熱帯夜。 実は部

    • It is just it!落ち込んでなどいられない!〜(#3NY超初期の私的事件簿)

      はじめに渡米して5日目の夜を無事迎えました。今のところ、変な人からお金をせびられてもいないし、スリにも逢っていないし、カードの不正利用もないし、事故にも遭っていないし、事件にも巻き込まれていないし、何より死んでいません。英語だけの世界にだんだん慣れて来て、スーパーに行ってもこの商品が何を意味しているのか、だんだん認識できるようになって来ました。Google mapを見ながら歩いていた「散歩」も、だんだん見なくても行けるところも出て来て、息がしやすくなって来て、どんな人が歩いて

      • NYの暮らしスタート!持ってきて良かったモノ・要らなかったモノ(#2NY暮らしスタート編)

        NYからの不定期通信、朝方早く目が覚めて暇なので、🤣毎日更新できています🤣流石に学校が始まったら忙しくはなるのかなとは思いますが、ぼちぼち更新しますね! NYの住まい私はNYではシェアハウスに住んでおります。 インターネットの掲示板で探したのですが、一番目に住もうと思っていたお家よりも200ドルも安い破格の値段で住めた奇跡のお家です🥺✨大家さんもルームメイトもとりあえずファーストコンタクトの感じではみんないい方っぽくて、人間関係重視派の私は、一安心です✨ 家賃 1ヶ月

        • アイアムinニューヨーーーーーーーーーク(#1無事到着の巻)

          半日のフライトを終え、無事NYに着きました(全力で安心😮‍💨) 「いってらっしゃい」と送り出してくれた皆様、無事着きましたよーーーーー!!!のお気持ちで、NY二日目の朝、この記事を書いています_φ(・_・(※長いですw) ツイートしたらすごい数のいいねとコメントをもらいました(感謝🥲💕)こんなにたくさんの方に見守っていただき、応援していただいたのだと改めて実感しました。ありがとうございました😭💕 はじめに まずはじめに実は今回の留学は ビザの関係で「就労」が禁じられており



        • New Year writing challenge


          Count down0…interview /今後のこと

          For count down6-1 days,I was so tired that I couldn't update this note…_(:3」∠)_On 3/31, I was interviewed by the consulate.I was very nervous because I was asked a lot of questions during the interview and I visited the consulate for the fi

          Count down0…interview /今後のこと

          Count down6:I was very tired....

          I was very tired...It's hard to make progress... I was very very tired..... <こんなことを書いたよ>とても疲れた... とても疲れた、全然進まないんだもの とてもとても疲れたわ。。。。

          Count down6:I was very tired....

          Count down 7:error error error!!!

          I also encountered a new error.This time the account of the VISA application site is frozen.I think it means that payment is being confirmed, but it seems that it will be frozen for 72 hours!I found out why I was advised not to buy a tick

          Count down 7:error error error!!!

          Count down 8;I put my documents in the post

          This morning,I put my documents(VISA application)in the post! Will I get a reply about 30 days after reaching the embassy on the 25th? Is it coming so early?I decided not to buy a ticket until VISA got off.It gets higher day by day, but it

          Count down 8;I put my documents in the post

          Count down9:Finally visa applicationついにVISA申請!

          I was finally able to apply for a visa.Current time 2:11 AM.All the application documents were finally completed while being blocked by errors many times. Better yet, I thought I'd buy a ticket, but I thought I'd wait until VISA arrived. Ge

          Count down9:Finally visa applicationついにVISA申請!

          Count down 10 : Apply in 5 hours, Moreover, it is incomplete

          I finally received the I-20 yesterday, so I started applying for VISA.The embassy video said it would take an hour and a half to two hours, but in fact I took five hours.The procedure for studying abroad is detailed one by one, but it takes

          Count down 10 : Apply in 5 hours, Moreover, it is incomplete

          Count down 11; Finally got the I-20

          It was long... It took about 2 months to decide on 1/31.I think it took more time.Only SEVIS and VISA are left.It seems that it will take 2 hours to prepare the VISA application documents.I'll do it tomorrow! <こんなことを書いたよ>ついにi-20を手に入れた😭 長かっ

          Count down 11; Finally got the I-20

          Count down12: I can't hear it at all!

          I learned that Disney Plus has not been canceled, so I took a look at the English version of Beauty and the Beast.I saw it for the first 15 minutes, but I couldn't hear it at all! 😭Obviously, school lessons are conducted in English.I wanted

          Count down12: I can't hear it at all!

          Count down13: The curriculum has arrived

          The curriculum arrived before the i-20.i-20 will be a little further away ~ I will be contacted many times.When i-20 arrives, proceed to SEVIS, VISA. I can't help being impatient, but I'm impatient.I wonder if it will come soon.. <こんなことを書いた

          Count down13: The curriculum has arrived

          Count down 14: How to respond is important!

          When a problem occurs in front of you, you are asked how to deal with it.I had a problem that stood in front of me for a few days, and I realized that I couldn't overcome it with my feelings alone, so I finally decided to talk to my colleag

          Count down 14: How to respond is important!

          Count down 15: What do I want to prioritize?

          An incident has occurred.It seems that something must be sacrificed to realize my dream. I thought a lot...It was psychological safety when I thought about what to prioritize.I think too much and my head seems to be bald, so I'm going to sl

          Count down 15: What do I want to prioritize?

          Count down 16: troble troble

          New trouble has occurred....I have to be calm like this...I work my head hard.I'm going to sleep waiting for the news tonight, thinking of a better solution. <こんなことを書いたよ>トラブル発生 新たなトラブルが発生した。このような時ほど冷静にならなければならない。一生懸命頭を働かせる。知らせを待ち、最善策を考えながら今

          Count down 16: troble troble