



open class VNHorizonObservation : VNObservation {

    open var transform: CGAffineTransform { get }

    open var angle: CGFloat { get }




open class VNDetectRectanglesRequest : VNImageBasedRequest {
     @brief Specifies the minimum aspect ratio of the rectangle(s) to look for, range [0.0, 1.0], default 0.5
    open var minimumAspectRatio: VNAspectRatio

     @brief Specifies the maximum aspect ratio of the rectangle(s) to look for, range [0.0, 1.0], default 1.0
    open var maximumAspectRatio: VNAspectRatio

     @brief Specifies the maximum number of degrees a rectangle corner angle can deviate from 90 degrees, range [0,45], default 30
    open var quadratureTolerance: VNDegrees

     @brief Specifies the minimum size of the rectangle to be detected, as a proportion of the smallest dimension, range [0.0, 1.0], default .2. Any smaller rectangles that may have been detected will not be returned. 
    open var minimumSize: Float

     @brief Specifies a minimum confidence score, range [0.0, 1.0], default 0.0. Any rectangles with a lower confidence score will not be returned.
    open var minimumConfidence: VNConfidence

     @brief Specifies the maximum number of rectangles to be returned.  The default is 1.  Setting this property to 0 will allow an unlimited number of observations to be returned.
    open var maximumObservations: Int



open class VNRectangleObservation : VNDetectedObjectObservation {
    open var topLeft: CGPoint { get }

    open var topRight: CGPoint { get }

    open var bottomLeft: CGPoint { get }

    open var bottomRight: CGPoint { get }



    @brief Specify whether or not the bounding boxes of individual characters should also be returned in the resultant VNTextObservations. Default is NO.
open var reportCharacterBoxes: Bool


open var boundingBox: CGRect { get }



open class VNTrackingRequest : VNImageBasedRequest {
     @property property inputObservation
     @abstract The observation object that defines a region to track. Providing an observation not returned from a tracker (e.g. user-defined, or from a detector) begins a new tracker for the sequence. Providing an observation that was returned from a tracker continues the use of that tracker, to track the region to the next frame. In general, unless documented in the request's documentation, the rectangle must be defined in normalized coordinates (both dimensions normalized to [0,1] with the origin at the lower-left corner).
    open var inputObservation: VNDetectedObjectObservation

     @property property trackingLevel
     @abstract Tracking level allows tuning tracking algorithm to prefer speed (VNRequestOptionTrackingLevelFast) vs. tracking object location accuracy (VNRequestOptionTrackingLevelAccurate)
    open var trackingLevel: VNRequestTrackingLevel

     @property property lastFrame
     @abstract This property allows marking the last frame for tracking using current tracker. If set to YES, the results for this frame will be processed and returned and the current tracker will be released to the pool of available trackers
    open var isLastFrame: Bool


open class VNTrackObjectRequest : VNTrackingRequest {
     @brief Create a new request with detected object observation.
     @param    observation          Detected object observation with bounding box info.
    public init(detectedObjectObservation observation: VNDetectedObjectObservation)

     @brief Create a new request with detected object observation.
     @param    observation          Detected object observation with bounding box info.
     @param    completionHandler    The block that is invoked when the request has been performed.
    public init(detectedObjectObservation observation: VNDetectedObjectObservation, completionHandler: VNRequestCompletionHandler? = nil)


let req = VNTrackObjectRequest(detectedObjectObservation: VNDetectedObjectObservation(boundingBox: rect))





¥ 300

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