









GEL. Sed curiosi sunt hic complures mali,
alienas res qui curant studio maximo,
quibus ipsis nullast res, quam procurent, sua: 200
ei quando quem auctionem facturum sciunt,
adeunt, perquirunt quid sit causae ilico:
alienum aes cogat an pararit praedium,
uxorin sit reddenda dos divortio.
eos omnis tametsi hercle haud indignos iudico 205
qui multum miseri sint, laborent, nil moror:
dicam auctionis causam, ut damno gaudeant;
nam curiosus nemo est quin sit malevolus.


For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent.

GEL. But here are many curious evils
foreign affairs who care with the greatest zeal
to them they have no business to take care of their own
to him when they know whom he will sell,
get access to find out what is the cause right away:
to repel debts or to procure an estate
the wife is to pay the divorce dowry.
all of them, although by Hercules, I judge them not unworthy
they who are very wretched, toil, toil, I do not care
I will say the cause of the auction, that they may enjoy a loss; 
for no one is curious without being malevolent.


ゲル。 しかし、ここには多くの奇妙な悪があります




The subject of ethics or the phrase "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent."

Recently, the number of ebook-style comics that can be read for free has increased, and I often read them. "This is ethics from now on. " is one of them. In it, Francis Bacon is quoted as saying, "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent." This word left an impression on me, so I took a look at "9. About jealousy" in "The Essays of FRANCIS BACON".

A man that is busy and inquisitive is commonly envious; for to know much of other men's matters cannot be, because all that ado may concern his own estate; therefore it must needs be that he taketh a kind of play-pleasure in looking upon the fortunes of others; neither can he that mindeth but his own business find much matter for envy, for envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: "Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus"—["There is none curious, but the same is malevolent."]

"The Essays of FRANCIS BACON",1625

The part about "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent." according to the annotator, was written by the ancient Roman dramatist Plautus in his Latin play called "Stichus".

So, this is not a word created by Bacon. However, if you search the Internet, you will see articles claiming this as Bacon's words. Perhaps they spared the trouble of checking with the original source, including the author of "This is Ethics from now on".

And the text written by Bacon, quoted earlier, is not convincing. The basis for his opinion, "A man that is busy and inquisitive is commonly envious" is not written. Also, I don't understand why this opinion is related to the playwright's words, "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent." Will malicious intent get nosy? (The kinematic pair of this phrase is, "People who have no ill will don't get nosy.")

I don't know what it would have been like in Bacon's time, but fortunately now would not be an exception to the rule, as described in this article.

Unfortunately, Proutus's "Stichus" could not be found in Japanese or English, but the original Latin text was found.

GEL. Sed curiosi sunt hic complures mali,
alienas res qui curant studio maximo,
quibus ipsis nullast res, quam procurent, sua: 200
ei quando quem auctionem facturum sciunt,
adeunt, perquirunt quid sit causae ilico:
alienum aes cogat an pararit praedium,
uxorin sit reddenda dos divortio.
eos omnis tametsi hercle haud indignos iudico 205
qui multum miseri sint, laborent, nil moror:
dicam auctionis causam, ut damno gaudeant;
nam curiosus nemo est quin sit malevolus.

If you translate this last sentence into English, "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent". I translated it into English and then translated it into Japanese with Google translation.

GEL. But here are many curious evils
foreign affairs who care with the greatest zeal
to them they have no business to take care of their own
to him when they know whom he will sell,
get access to find out what is the cause right away:
to repel debts or to procure an estate
the wife is to pay the divorce dowry.
all of them, although by Hercules, I judge them not unworthy
they who are very wretched, toil, toil, I do not care
I will say the cause of the auction, that they may enjoy a loss; 
for no one is curious without being malevolent.

It's hard to understand, but the text describes a particular situation, and in that situation it seems to say, "For nobody is curious, who isn't malevolent." I don't know if this drama was well known in Bacon's life. Bacon may have used this Latin sentence as a decoration or foil rather than as a rationale for his claim.

The subject of "ethics", which appreciates the unfamiliar words of those who are called philosophers, will continue to be incomprehensible to me. I would like to tell them that it was not necessary for high school students to take ethics because they choose up to 2 subjects from 6 subjects such as world history.
