
英語学習者/Fruitful English会員 日常の中で見たものや考えたことを英文…


英語学習者/Fruitful English会員 日常の中で見たものや考えたことを英文で執筆して投稿します。 英検1級合格(2021.03) TOEIC L&R 最高975(L495 R480、2023.04)、L満点×3、R最高480


The Beginning of the Cherry Blossom Season

ようやく開花しました。 Yesterday, on March 29, the Japan Meteorological Agency finally announced that the cherry blossom season has started in Tokyo after confirming that the benchmark tree at the Yasukuni Shrine had five blossoms. This is five days

    • The Striking Difference

      1年前との明らかな違いに驚きました。 Although it was forecasted that cherrytrees would start to bloom on March 24 this year, they failed to do so. On the same day last year, however, they were already at their best. The striking difference between these pho

      • Cherry Blossoms at Night

        昨年の今頃は帰宅途中に夜桜を楽しんでいたようです。 Cherry blossoms are also beautiful at night. The pale pink blossoms are illuminated by lights, glowing in the darkness. The scenery is breathtaking. In Japan, some cherry blossom locations are lit up at night, and

        • The Opening of Cherry Blossoms Delayed

          東京の桜の開花が遅れています。 開花予想日が過ぎましたがまだのようです。 でもよく目を凝らして見てみますと… Cherry blossoms have not bloomed in Tokyo yet although today, March 24, is the day on which it was forecasted that cherry blossoms would start to bloom. This delay is due to low temper

        The Beginning of the Cherry Blossom Season

          Cherry Blossoms Yet to Come Out

          英文中のtwo days agoは3月19日です。 Last year in Tokyo, cherry blossoms came into bloom on March 14. It was 10 days earlier than usually expected. In other words, around this time last year, they had already been blooming. Out of these two photos, t

          Cherry Blossoms Yet to Come Out

          "Silvester"...It's German!

          英語のテストで"Silvester"と答えたら、「意味は不明です。」というコメントが返ってきました。 "Silvester"てドイツ語でしたね…英語では意味不明な言葉ですか… When I filled "Silvester" in the blank instead of New Year's Eve or December 31 as the last day of the calendar year, I got a comment that it made no

          "Silvester"...It's German!

          Around this time last year

          1年ほど前に書いた日記が出てきました。 昨年の東京における桜の開花日は3月14日だったのですね。 Although it is still in mid-March, cherry blossoms have already started blooming. The Meteorological Agency officially announced the opening of cherry blossoms in Tokyo Tuesday, March 14, wh

          Around this time last year

          March 15: International Day to Combat Islamophobia

          本日は"International Day to Combat Islamophobia"(イスラム恐怖症と闘う国際デー)です。2022年、国連によって、世界各地で根強く残る、イスラームという理由だけで生じる嫌悪、差別、偏見の撲滅を目指して制定されました。 Recently, I learned that March 15 was designated as International Day to Combat Islamophobia by United Nations

          March 15: International Day to Combat Islamophobia

          The Word Invitation Used in Various Ways and Situations

          2022年10月25日のリシ・スーナク氏のイギリス首相就任後に執筆した記事です。 もう1年4ヶ月以上経っていますね… スーナク氏の首相就任演説で使用されていました"invitation"という言葉に興味を持って調べてみました。 In the first passage of Rishi Sunak's first speech as Prime Minister, I was attracted to his saying, "I have received His Ma

          The Word Invitation Used in Various Ways and Situations

          The Increase in the Defense Budget

          昨年書いたエッセイです。 2024年2月24、ロシアによるウクライナへの侵攻開始が3年目に入りました。 これだけ長く続けば、犠牲者は増え、軍事費も嵩みますね。 戦争に費やす資金と労力を、国際社会が武力に頼らずに平和共存を達成する方法を探るのに投入してはどうかと思います。 The Japanese government decided to increase its defense budget by 26.3% annually from fiscal year 20

          The Increase in the Defense Budget

          A Snowman Made with Vegetables

          2月5日(月)に大雪が降った2日後の7日(水)に、東京23区内のとある駅のそばで見かけました。 Take a look at this! Someone made a snowman. When you look at this closely, you will find a carrot used for its nose, leeks for its arms, and cherry tomatoes put on its body to be seen like b

          A Snowman Made with Vegetables

          Cardiac Arrest...?

          “arrest”の意味は「逮捕」だけではないことを知りました。 The other day, I heard the word cardiac arrest on the news. At that time, I had only known arrest to mean that the police take a person who is believed to be guilty of a crime into custody. Therefore, I coul

          Cardiac Arrest...?

          Crash, Crush, or Clash?

          crash, crush, or clash … この3つの単語、紛らわしいですね… Although the three verbs crash, crush, and clash appear to be similar, and may sound similar to the ears of some people, they have different meanings. Crash means to hit something hard while movi

          Crash, Crush, or Clash?

          Do you know what "maverick" means?

          昨年書いた英語日記です。 maverick:〈形容詞〉(政治家が)無所属の、一匹狼の       〈名詞〉無所属の政治家、一匹狼、異端者 (『究極の英単語 SVL Vol.4』(アルク出版)より) この単語を見て、2022年公開のアメリカのアクション映画『トップガン マーヴェリック』(Top Gun: Maverick)を連想しました。 The other day, I encountered the word "maverick" in a book for voca

          Do you know what "maverick" means?

          Club Activities in Japanese Schools

          日本の学校の部活動は、軍隊の一種のようにも思えます。 私は入っていませんでしたが。 Club activities are an important part of school life for many students in Japan. Some students are required to spend so much time training at clubs that they cannot have enough time to study, which

          Club Activities in Japanese Schools

          Your cheek might drop!?

          約1年半前に書いたものです。 Looking at the slogan below the cow face, "Your cheek might drop," I felt something strange. I wondered if this was a natural expression in English, and thought this might be a direct translation from Japanese. After doing s

          Your cheek might drop!?