
【役立つ英語表現】 kill

 "kill" は「殺す」という意味で覚えているかもしれませんが,それ以外にも多くの用法があり,日常会話でもよく使われます。「殺す」以外にどのような使い方ができるかを見ていきたいと思います。

(1) (時間)をつぶす

I went to the convenience store to kill some time.

We killed a couple of hours window-shopping.

(2) (喜び,痛さ,驚きなどが)(人)をひどく参らせる

My head is killing me.

Say it!  You're killing me.

You're killing me.  I cannot help laughing.

(3) (人)を殺しかねないくらい怒る

If you don't do your homework, I'll kill you.

My wife will kill me if I'm not back by 7:00 p.m.

(4) [won't [wouldn't] kill …] …にとっては大したことではない

Working a few hours overtime won't kill you.

How about another drink?  One more drink won't kill you.

(5) (飲食物)を平らげる

You killed your cake already?

☆ 慣用表現

(even) if it kills me 「何が何でも,絶対に」
I'm going to get into the University of Tokyo if it kills me.

◎  次の "kill" はどのような意味で用いられているでしょうか?

… The best one in it was "The Secret Gold fish."  It was about this little kid that wouldn't let anybody look at his goldfish because he'd bought it with his own money.  It killed me. 

( "The Catcher in the Rye" の p.4より)
