Day 21 : Say Cheese, and Run, and Sit-up

Cheese is one of the most important nutritional sources here in Japan.
But for a certain and long period of time, the processed cheese has been and is generally and mostly eaten in Japan, because;

1) we, Japanese, have not been accustomed to the unique flavor and taste of natural cheese
2) thus the cheese makers, established in early 1900s and becoming the giant majors in Japan, have been making mostly natural cheese.

But, thanks to the changes in taste of Japanese who has gotten used to the real taste of natural cheese, and the increasing amount of imported cheese, we have been eating more cheese than ever these days.

I am not boasting about my knowledge here, to tell you the truth, I am only a novice and just learned this knowledge from a cheese professional, Yuko-san.

Yuko-san has been a member of Cheese Professional Association in Japan. She finally released this book to further appeal the taste of Japanese natural cheese.

You will definitely find how attractive the Japanese natural cheese is. And with the Japanese wines that are also improving, you could enjoy the synchronized pairing of Japanese local natural cheese.

By the way, Yuko-san is not just a cheese professional that is very rare in Japan. She runs like Laura, as she can easily finish full marathon and is trying to run a 100 mile trail race! Crazy, huh?!

She started her sit-up challenge for 1,000 days..., she said that change is too simple.

Well, yes, for Yuko-san, it’s too simple. But nobody knows how many sit-ups she does every day, and that would reveal how simple, or how tough the challenge is...

Word of the day: 
novice (新参者、初心者、未熟)

Quote of the day:
You have to be a romantic to invest yourself, your money, and your time in cheese.  -Anthony Bourdain
