
Takram Life #8 Ken Fujiyoshi

Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。
At Takram, we are currently primarily working remotely. In this series, we take a look at how Takram's members are designing their work style and life.

さまざまなテクノロジーのアプリケーションの可能性を模索し、文化的実験に取り組む。日本でエンジニアリングを学んだ後、英ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートでデザインを学び、イノベーション・デザイン・エンジニアリングの修士号を取得。Takram London参加を経て2020年東京に拠点を移す。デザインの美的観点の追求だけでなく、テクノロジーの文化的、社会的、歴史的背景の探求を行う。

Ken is a design strategist, focusing and experimenting on possible applications and cultures for different technologies. As a strategist, he is interested in how one technology is structured and embraced by society, while as a designer, he is interested in how people perceive and interact with them, establishing their own culture and understanding around it.

How do you design your working style?


In my case, due to COVID-19, I returned to Japan from the UK, where I had lived for five years. I feel that the change in my environment that accompanied the move to a new location had the biggest impact on my working style. I'm now enjoying living alone for the first time in my life while arranging furniture and creating a space for myself.

What is your particular work space?



To be honest, I am still in the process of trial and error. Originally, I was able to switch to work mode and concentrate on work because I was in the office, a place that was clearly different from my home. So since I started working at home, it has been difficult to manage time and shift my mind between work and private life. I try to keep a good work-life balance by changing where I sit during my work time and allowing myself to eat out for lunch. However, I'm still searching for a good way and I would like to know how to balance my time.

At the same time, the commute, which I used to take for granted, was gone, and I began to rethink what values and actions are important to me. For example, when I was in London Studio, I used to walk 40-50 minutes to work, and I used that time to organize my thoughts. Some people asked me why I didn’t use a bicycle. However, I could notice small changes in the scenery better and felt the comfort of the rhythm, including the timing of stopping at traffic lights during my walking time. So, it is important for me to commute on foot. On the other hand, I am not particular about whether I have to work in an office, so working from a third space that is neither home nor office could be a good idea.

What is a book you would recommend?

Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。

At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.

ここ半年を振り返って、どの本を紹介するか迷いましたが、造形作家である竹谷隆之さんの作品をまとめた『竹谷隆之 畏怖の造形』という本を紹介したいと思います。これはTakramメンバーの谷口靖太郎さんと「造形作家さんってすごいよね」という会話をしたことをきっかけに手にとった本です。一般的なインダストリアルデザインは「Form follows function」(形は機能に従う)という言葉のとおり、基本的には機能の実現のために必要な形状をデザインすることが求められ、理屈でデザインされることが多いんです。一方で、造形作家さんのように表現のために形をつくる人たちは、「こっちの方がかっこいい」といった具合により情緒的なプロセスをとるんです。だから、無駄に大きいとか、あきらかに機能を阻害するような形状になってしまうこともある。その、論理には収まりきらない情緒が溢れ出している様がすごく面白いんです。僕個人はそういった論理と情緒を兼ね備えたデザインにとても惹かれていて、自分自身そういったデザイナーとしてのあり方を志したいなと思っています。

他のおすすめの本についてはTakram Radioでも話していますのでお時間があれば聞いてみてください。

Looking back over the past six months, it was actually hard to decide which book to recommend. I would like to introduce "Takayuki TakeyaModeling of Fear," which is a compilation of works by Takayuki Takeya, a 3D modeling artist. I picked up this book after having a conversation with a Takram member Yasutaro Taniguchi, who said, "3D modeling artists are amazing.” As the saying "Form follows function" goes, industrial design in general basically requires the design of shapes that are necessary to achieve a function and is often theoretically designed. On the other hand, people who create shapes for their expression, such as 3D modeling artists, take a more emotional process like "This looks cooler.” That's why they sometimes end up with shapes that are unnecessarily large or that clearly interfere with function. It is very interesting for me to see a flood of emotions that are beyond logic. I am personally very attracted to designs that combine logic and emotion, and I would like to be a designer like that.

I also talk about other book recommendations on Takram Radio, so please listen if you have time.

What do you like about Takram?





Snøhetta, an architecture and design office, says that people, process, and projects are the three most important things. As with Takram, I also want to cherish these same three things and that's exactly why I like Takram.

First of all, Takram people. I feel that most of the members are diligent and curious about everything. Above all, I think that many of them are incredibly talented, but at the same time, they have a human touch.

Secondly, Takram process. I like Takram because no matter what the project is, we are always pioneering new ways to proceed with the process. Sometimes I feel like I'm wandering rather than pioneering (laughs), but when I'm with my colleagues at Takram, even that wandering seems meaningful, and above all, I enjoy working on it. I also think this pioneering spirit is demonstrated not only in the way we proceed with projects, but also in various aspects of Takram, such as how we create our organization.

Lastly, Takram projects. Although this overlaps with Process, Takram has many unique projects in terms of contents and procedures, and I am fortunate to have extremely valuable and challenging opportunities. Of course, once a project is finished, I may think that this project is similar to that one. However, what makes Takram’s projects so attractive is that I can be involved in so many different projects that I can't recognize any similarity while the projects are in progress.

What interests you now?


I have always loved going to museums and art galleries, and this year I have visited nearly 80 exhibitions in total. When I decide to visit an exhibition, I often go to see several in one day, but I walk between venues and enjoy the scenery of the city.
Also, during long vacations, I try to go to places with a lot of nature. Again, I enjoy walking and looking at the scenery from different angles. Looking at the scenery from different angles gives me a sense of being immersed in nature, which refreshes me.





出典:竹谷隆之 畏怖の造形より


それでは次回のTakram Lifeもお楽しみに!
