
Train&vehicle to the continental side 電車を使いヨーロッパ大陸までクルマで行く





Entrance to the train

クルマを積まず、電車(Eurostar)に乗ってフランスやオランダに行く場合には、ロンドンのセンターのSt Pancras駅から乗りますが(Eurostarの旅はこれはこれで楽しいのでまたどこかで書きたいと思います)、クルマを載せる場合には、Folkstoneというドーバーに近いポイントから乗ります。ここまでがロンドンからは160キロ程あり、ここが一苦労というところです。凡そロンドンからは2時間弱掛かるのでここが少しネックになりますが、大陸側でのクルマ移動の自由さを考えると殆ど気にならない距離と時間と言えるかなと思います。

Inside of trains





When talking about travel, it's surprising how many people become interested in the idea of taking a car on a train to cross over to the continent. While it may seem like a routine matter for those who do it regularly, loading a car onto a train is an unfamiliar concept for many. So, I'd like to reflect on the journey from the UK to France.

Before the Eurotunnel was built in 1994, the only way to cross the English(Dover Streit) Channel was by ferry, with the iconic Dover-Calais route being a popular choice. However, with the advent of the tunnel, another option emerged: taking your car to the continent. It seems impractical not to utilize the tunnel, which can transport you to France in just 30 minutes. Of course, if you have plenty of time to spare, a ferry journey with views of the iconic white cliffs of Dover can be a delightful experience. However, using the tunnel gives more of a sense of a quick trip rather than a leisurely excursion. It's worth noting that while the tunnel may be slightly more expensive than the ferry, the price difference is within a reasonable range (around £10-£20).

If you're traveling by train (Eurostar) to France or the Netherlands without taking a car, you'll depart from London's central St Pancras station (I'll write about Eurostar travel separately as it's an enjoyable experience). However, if you're taking your car, you'll depart from Folkstone, near Dover. The distance from London to Folkstone is approximately 160 kilometers, which can be a bit of a challenge. It takes just under 2 hours from London, so this part of the journey can be a bit of a hassle. However, considering the freedom of having your car on the continent, it's hardly a concern in terms of distance and time.

Well, the exact number of cars that can be loaded onto the Eurotunnel train remains a bit of a mystery, but from what I've seen, each train carriage can accommodate around 8 cars, so with approximately 20 carriages per train, they're likely transporting around 200 cars per trip. Considering they run at a pace of about two trains per hour, that's quite a substantial number of cars being shuttled through. And that's not even counting the passenger Eurostar trains or the freight trains for trucks, so the efficiency and scale of the tunnel are truly remarkable. Those who conceptualized this tunnel back in the 1980s, completed by 1994, were truly visionary to bore through the English Channel like that.

Once onboard, the interior of the train is similar to the photo you've seen, with your car parked and the option to step outside, though there's not much to do aside from using the restroom. It might be nice to relax inside, listen to music, or enjoy a coffee you picked up in Folkstone. Of course, there's always that fleeting thought of "What if the tunnel collapses?" (laughs)

Upon departure, you'll arrive in Calais, France, in about 30 minutes. Calais, with its ferry terminals, remains the gateway to the continent, just as it has always been. Since there are plenty of large shopping centers in Calais, it's common for travelers to load up on delicious French food to take back to the UK. But that's a story for another time.

Now, the anticipation for the journey to France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg is building up!



