
Role of a leader (1) - What is required of a leader

What is most required of a leader?

To assign work?
To lead?
Motivating members?

All of these are necessary, but what is most required is to continue to maximize the output of the team.

What does that mean? You may be thinking, "What does that mean?

  1. Five people giving 50% effort = $50,000 profit.

  2. Five people giving 100% effort = $100,000 profit.

If there are 10 teams in a company, it is possible to make a difference of $500,000 and if there are 100 teams, it is possible to make a difference of $5,000,000.

With more profit, more money can be spent on marketing and improving the internal environment, and more strategies can be taken to secure more users.
As the number of users increases, so does the profit, which can lead to business expansion and a stable working environment for employees.

The result is a better environment for both the company and the employees, and the leader's role is to secure more people who will increase the output of the team.

When does team output decline?

Output declines the moment the mindset becomes negative, which can occur in a variety of patterns, including

  1. You are asked to do work you are not good at

  2. Always doing things yourself

  3. I don't get my opinions heard

Each pattern has a clear reason.

Being asked to do a job you are not good at
If you feel that you are not good at a job, it is often because you do not know the job well.
Also, even if they have ambition, they honestly feel that they cannot be efficient enough to take on this job and that they do not want to be asked to do it because they are not good at it.

I always do it myself.
This is more likely to occur when there is more than one person in charge and the responsibility or scope of responsibility is not clear.

They don't listen to their own opinions.
Two patterns are easy to imagine.
 The person is trying to control the situation to get what he or she wants.
 The client is not informed of the final status of the project.

How to maintain output?

In conclusion, it is less likely to cause dissatisfaction if the goal is achieved in the way you think it should be.
Wouldn't it be a bad idea to give proper instructions? However, you can avoid this problem by giving instructions in advance.

Instead of giving instructions on how to do each task one by one

  1. What should the final result look like?

  2. What are the points that need attention?

If the process (procedure) is left to the individual, there will be fewer complaints and the environment will be more conducive to proactively working toward the goal.

If a safety net is put in place where problems can be imagined to occur, team members can be protected and the leader can be assured.
