
無人島に持っていきたい映画「オデッセイ」(THE MARTIAN — the movie I would bring to a desert island)



もし無人島生活で1本だけ映画を観られるなら、私は迷わず「オデッセイ(原題:THE MARTIAN)」(制作:アメリカ / 日本公開:2016年2月)を選びます。





火星の地表イメージイラスト 赤茶色の荒涼とした眺め























宇宙にぽっかりと浮かぶ火星のイメージイラスト 赤い星だが、輪郭は神秘的に青白く光っている








きらめく銀河系を背景に、宇宙空間で手を伸ばしあう二人の宇宙飛行士のイメージイラスト 宇宙服を着た手だけがアップになっている








「ルイス船長、あなたにお願いがあります。僕が死んだら両親の元を訪れてほしいんです」「火星の生活を話してください」「嫌な役目だし 僕の死(「(死んだ)僕の話」の字幕ミス?)を両親にするのはつらいと思います」「酷な願いだから船長に頼みたい」「僕は諦めていませんが あらゆる結果に備えないと」











If I could watch just one movie on a desert island, I definitely would choose ‘THE MARTIAN’. I almost dream to become an astronaut due to that movie even though I was bad at both math and science in school .

I’m going to introduce the beginning of the story in a nutshell, and share scenes and acting which impressed me whenever I watch. I will do my best without spoiling too much for letting you get interested in this movie.

An astronaut left alone on Mars

The main character is a NASA astronaut, Mark Watney. He is one of the crew members of the Ares 3, a manned Mars exploration spaceship. The story begins where he and his Ares 3 crewmates are collecting soil samples on the surface of Mars.

By the way, this movie is based on the original novel written by American science fiction author Andy Weir, and this article will basically follow the story of the movie version. I am in the process of reading both the original novel and the Japanese translation. In the original novel, the story begins with Watney’s monologue, but in the movie, which is different as I mentioned earlier, it started with the scene where the whole crew was doing their mission on Mars.

I need to spoil the movie a little bit because it’s necessary but it won’t matter for you because this information is shown in many trailers and review sites. Now, this is the spoiler — Watney is left on Mars.

That happened because of a terrible storm reaching the Acidalia Planitia where their Hab and a spaceship called MAV(Mars Ascent Vehicle) which is for launch from Mars were.

Commander Luis had no choice but to abort the mission and all crew members ran to the MAV, but on their way Watney was hit by a loose communication antenna and blown away in a flash.

No one could communicate with him and the warning was ringing which detected Watney’s suit had been breached, so the rest of the crew couldn’t help judging that he was dead.

However, Watney was not left behind so easily. Commander Lewis tried to find him, giving quick instructions to other crews to prepare for the emergency launch. However, as the storm intensified, they had no choice but make an emergency launch without Watney.

Outstanding acting of pain

The scene I was blown away by first was where Watney woke up after the storm and applied first aid to his stomach that was stabbed by a part of the communication antenna.

Needless to say Matt Damon was not actually stabbed by the antenna, but his acting was so believable that I nearly feel that pain in my stomach.

I realized that a person who is suffering from a pain that is beyond words doesn’t have a clench-jawed expression but is begging pitifully with tears all over their face.

Even though you’re not a professional doctor, even though you know the worst pain yet to come, you have to do something immediately. That scene portrayed such a tough decision that astronauts make.

Expressions by “not telling”

My overall impression of this movie is that it’s good at conveying situations and what Watney is feeling by showing “not telling”. For example, there is a scene where Watney is alone and looks like he is thinking while waiting for his wounded body to heal. He might be thinking about plans which let him return to the Earth, or about his crewmates who are heading home or his family, or sad news that tell people on the Earth that Mark Watney is dead.

However, Watney doesn’t narrate what he’s thinking. He was watching the monitors in the hab which was still shaking because of strong winds and reflexively looking up at the ceiling because of the sound of sand violently hitting the hab.

The filmmakers were successful in quietly expressing the seriousness of the situation and that Watney is constantly thinking about something. You can’t imagine how serious the situation in which you’re alone on a planet is and wouldn’t be able to express it verbally. But you can gradually imagine it by seeing Matt Damon’s expressions and how he walks around in the hab.

How far is Mars from the Earth?

On a different note, most people have no idea how far Mars is from the Earth, do they? I googled and figured it out. According to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mars is 75,280,000km away when it is the closest to the Earth.

From Tokyo in Japan to Vancouver in Canada, there is about 7,551km, so, well, it seems that the distance from Mars to our planet is roughly 10,000 times farther than Tokyo to Vancouver.

However, this figure is only true for the case which is called “the closest approach”. When it comes to “the furthest approach”, the distance from Mars to Earth is twice that of “the closest approach”.

Although I’m a little bit confused by the term “the furthest approach”, they say it’s because the Earth’s orbit is fairly close to a circle while Mars’ orbit is a slightly squashed ellipse.

Lewis and Watney

The relationship between Mark and commander Lewis also left a strong impression on me.

“I’m definitely gonna die up here. If I have to listen to any more god damn disco music. Oh my god, commander Lewis, could you pick anything from this century?”

This line lets you know that he’s not a disco music fanatic. In this movie, however, disco music is always played whenever the story takes a major turn.

I think this is a symbol of Lewis caring about Watney all the time. Thinking this way, when he told her “You have terrible taste in music.” for the first time in 543days sounded like he was saying “You were with me all the time.”

There is one more interesting scene relevant to the the relationship between Lewis and Watney. after a big incident Watney writes her an email in case he dies. Here is the email read.

“Commander Lewis. I may need you to do something for me. If I die I need you to check in with my parents. They’ll want to hear all about our time here on Mars. I know that sucks and it will be horrible talking to a couple about their dead son. It’s a lot to ask which is why I’m asking you. I’m not giving up, we just need to prepare for every outcome. “

That’s not the entire email, but I will stop here for now. This is obviously an important scene where, for the first time, Watney lets us know that he’s thinking about the possibility of his death, but in the original novel, the person who he writes it to was Pilot Rich Martinez not Lewis.

There is a scene in the beginning of the movie where Watney and Martinez joke with each other, and other scenes where Watney is stranded in which it’s easy to guess that they’re good friends by what Watney was saying for his video log. However, I was surprised to find out Martinez was the person in the original story who Watney asked a tough favor of, because I thought their relationship wasn’t so deep.

I think filmmakers chose Lewis as the important person for Watney because she made the choice to evacuate without him, and had the greatest responsibility as the captain. Because of that, she symbolizes everyone’s wish that Watney survives.

Still no end to the charms of The Martian

This article is gonna be a big spoiler unless I stop writing here, that seems to be the difficulty of writing movie reviews.

I would love to write about other great elements of this movie such as the impressive storyline, memorable quotes, and the acting, but at the same time, I don’t want to ruin your watching experience.

I might write more about this movie in the future just for people who have already watched it. For now, I will put my pen down on the table and hope that some of you got interested in The Martian. Thank you for reading, see you in the next article!

Special Thanks to D.D. for correcting my English review.



