
【1分リスニング&クイズ】南アフリカの海岸線|National Geographic


1. スピーカーにとっての南アフリカとは何ですか?

2. 南アフリカで出会う2つの”ocean giant"とは?

3. 南アフリカの人々はどんなときに嬉しそうですか?

When most people think of South Africa, they think about safaris. For me South Africa is all about its amazing coastline and incredible oceans. South Africa is the meeting place of two ocean giants. You have the cold Atlantic, you have the warm Indian ocean. And you have this incredibly rugged and wild bit of coastline where the oceans meet. Together these two contrasting marine environments create one of the most unique and incredible ocean habitats in the world. The sheer diversity of life is incredible. There's nowhere else on this planet where you can encounter such a diverse array of marine life with such ease and in such as short period of time. South Africans are incredibly proud of their marine heritage and seem to be happiest when sharing them with the rest of the world. I've spent the last  20 years photographing the world's oceans and the South African coast is still my favorite place on earth.


1. 素晴らしい海岸線ととてつもない海

2. 冷たい大西洋と暖かいインド洋

3. 南アフリカの誇りである海の遺産を、世界の他の人々と共有するとき

