
【1分リスニング&クイズ】National Geographic|The Spirit of Takumi


1. Takumiについて、「ただの仕事」ではなく何と説明していますか?

2. National Geographic の中でTakumiのような写真家になるには何が必要ですか?

3. このスピーカーは何が待ち遠しいと言っていますか。

While I was in Hiroshima Japan, I met craftsmen who embodied the Japanese traditional of Takumi. Takumi means in Japanese a master craftsman, but it is so much more than that.
It's not just a job. It's a passion. It's a total dedication to a single skill. That's an inspiring thing to witness. 
At Mazda, it takes years to hone the skills to become a Takumi. At National Geographic, to become a photographer like a takumi takes years and years of dedication and honing your craft to be a great visual storyteller.
It's about putting all your creative energy into your work and that energy being transferred to and felt by whomever experiences that work.
We're looking for you to capture the effort, the energy.
We want to see the spirit of the artist in these photos.
I think there's no better way to challenge our photographers than to have them capture other people who are mastering their own craft no matter what it is.
I just can't wait to see what these young photographers have in them.
craftsman 職人、名匠
embody を体現する
hone 砥石でとぐ、〈技術などを〉磨く


1. 情熱であり、ひとつのスキルへの完全な献身

2. 何年にも渡る献身と、自身の技術を磨くこと

3. 若いカメラマンが彼らの中に何を秘めているのか明らかになること

