
【1分リスニング&クイズ】ペンギンのヒナ、ヒーローに助けられる BBC


1. 何がコウテイペンギンにとってStrong Pointではありませんか?
2. ヒナたちは一歩も引かない準備として、何を形成しましたか?
3. アデリーペンギンは世界で一番どんなペンギンですか?

But one challenge stops them in their tracks: a Giant petrel. They try to flee, but running isn't an Emperor's strong point. A slip is all the petrel needs. The chick is grabbed by his neck feathers, but the down just falls away. They form a defensive circle, and prepare to stand their ground. Despite their chick-like appearance, they are close to a meter tall. Quite a size, even for a Giant petrel. The chick towers to full height, protecting those behind. His defiance buys time. It's a standoff.
Then, as if from nowhere: an Adelie. The feistiest penguin in the world. He fearlessly puts himself between the chicks and the petrel. Even petrels don't mess with Adelie's. Their plucky rescuer accompanies the chicks to the sea.
Giant petrel 大型フルマカモメ
flee 逃げる
emperor 皇帝(ここではEmperor = Emperor penguin コウテイペンギン)
strong point 長所
grab を捕らえる
feather 羽、羽毛
down 綿毛
stand one's ground 一歩も引かない、足を踏ん張る
tower 高くそびえる
defiance 反抗
buy time 時間をかせぐ
standoff 行き詰まり
as if from nowhere [突然の出現について]どこからともなく
Adelie アデリーペンギン
feisty 元気のいい、攻撃的な
fealessly 恐れ気もなく
mess with に盾つく、干渉する、けんかを始める
plucky 大胆な、勇気のある
accompany A to B Aに同行してBに行く

1. 走ること
2. 防御(守備)の円形
3. 攻撃的なペンギン

