


まずは私が作ったポスターを御覧ください。9このパートに分かれていて、Introduction, Background information, Equations that I used, Methods, Hypothesis, Data, Analysis, Conclusion, Improvement and reflection(イントロダクション、もともと知っておいたほうがいいこと、使った数式、メソッド、予測、データ、データから分かること、コンクルージョン、もっとできることと振り返り) について書かれています。

Introduction イントロダクション

   The reason that I want to research is when people sleep, the brain work to remember the things that people studied, saw, heard or other experiences that people got then I thought that it is difficult to make the speed of ability to remember of their brain faster thus to remember a lot of things, I thought people have to sleep more time. In addition, to concentrate on lessons, tests and assessments, the brain has to refresh because if the brain is tired, people feel sleepy and they cannot concentrate. In addition, to get good grades, people have to remember a lot of things and concentrate to do assessments or tests. So I thought that longer sleep makes us get good academic records. 
   I think other people find this question interesting because a lot of people want to get good results but some people cannot improve their grades, and try to find a good way to improve their grades. So if I can prove that longer sleep makes us get better results, people can try to sleep longer so I think people find this question interesting. 
     I would like to do two investigations. First is the relationship between hours that people sleep and the grade, second is the relationship between hours that people sleep and the time that people answer the questions.


Background information もともと知っておいたほうがいいこと

   I found two pieces of information related to my question. First, this investigation researched the relationship between concentration and hours that people sleep. Also this experiment’s target person is adults. For people who cannot succeed or concentrate on their work, the hours that they sleep are short, and it is very different  between weekdays and weekends. But for people who succeed or concentrate well in their work, the hours that they sleep are longer than the former, hence, even if it is weekends, the time that they went to bed and woke up is the same as their weekdays. So for adults, it is good to sleep a long time and sleep the same hours on weekdays even if it is weekends. Second investigation researched the relationship between the grades and hours that people sleep. And this investigation target is elementary school students. According to this investigation, students who sleep a long time can get good scores on their tests, and the percentage of students who got high scores is high. But for students who sleep a short time, the data will be reversed.



“小学生8時間半強、中学生は…? 中学生の睡眠時間.” ガベージニュースwww.garbagenews.net/archives/1994180.html. , “仕事ができる人の睡眠 1万人データが示した事実.” 日本経済新聞, 18 Oct. 2019, www.nikkei.com/article/
DGXMZO51127280Y9A011C1000000/. , “「成績のよい子」は、だいたい何時に寝るのか.” 東洋経済オンライン, 1 Feb. 2017, toyokeizai.net/articles/-/155032?page=2.
