
Student. Stomach ache is my life.


Student. Stomach ache is my life.


  • #自己流

  • TED study

  • BBC study

  • 夢追い人



  • 固定された記事


留学生活で下痢と言えば定番ですが、今回は1週間に5回下痢をした私が下痢を簡単にする方法を伝授したいと思います。 1.毎日ジャンクフードを食べる 留学生活にストレスはつきものですが、ストレス発散でポテトチップスを朝昼晩食べましょう。最高においしいです。 2.動かない ひたすら座りましょう。運動なんてもってのほかです。勉強するときはもちろん。自由時間もずっと座ってみましょう。最高に楽です。 3.寝ない 留学生活大変。徹夜してみましょう。最高に次の日の授業は頭に入りませ

    • 勉強記録2021年7月11日~17日

      勉強時間日曜日5.25時間 月曜日7時間 火曜日8.95時間 水曜日8.25時間 木曜日8.75時間 金曜日7.5時間 土曜日4.25時間 合計49.95時間、1週間のおよそ30% 勉強内容言語 言語_英語_Forest221P-298P(210分) 言語_インドネシア語_初級インドネシア語6回-12回(195分) 言語_中国語_初めての中国語第5回-11回(195分) 言語_韓国語_ハングル練習ノートま行-りゃ行(195分) 言語_タイ語_書いて覚えるタイ語の初歩19P-

      • クリエイティブ大事!って言われがちだけどノーマルがないとクリエイティブがないわけで、ノーマルな製品でノーマルな暮らしがあるからこそクリエイティブがでると思う。要するにノーマルがないとクリエイティブがないからノーマル思考ももっと大切にしようねって話。

        • 勉強時間を計る3つのメリット

          Kee(@0kyo8)です。 早速ですが、 皆さんは、1か月でどれぐらい勉強に時間を費やしていますか? 私は96時間4分17秒でした。 なぜ私がすぐに時間を秒単位で言えたのか。 答えは単純です。 私は勉強する時間を記録したからです。1か月間毎日。 なぜ記録したのかさて、本題に入る前になぜ私が記録をしたのか。 これも単純で疑問に思ったから始めました。自分が何時間、学びに使っているのか知りたいし、時間の中でどんなことに時間を多く注いでいるのか。などなど興味を抱いたからです

        • 固定された記事


        • 勉強記録2021年7月11日~17日

        • クリエイティブ大事!って言われがちだけどノーマルがないとクリエイティブがないわけで、ノーマルな製品でノーマルな暮らしがあるからこそクリエイティブがでると思う。要するにノーマルがないとクリエイティブがないからノーマル思考ももっと大切にしようねって話。

        • 勉強時間を計る3つのメリット


        • #自己流
        • TED study
        • BBC study
        • 夢追い人


          Day32: The Studying note from "Do schools kill creativity"

          Good sentence 1)You're never asked back, curiously. ex)I'm never asked back for the dinner from her, curiously. 2)Partly because it's education that's meant to take us into this future. ex)Partly these people are interested in education be

          Day32: The Studying note from "Do schools kill creativity"

          Day 31: Studying note from"Are we born to run?"

          1)Human ran and ran all the time. ex)I study and study all the time

          Day 31: Studying note from"Are we born to run?"

          Day 30:The study note from "Why wildfires have gotten worse- and what we can do about it"

          Good sentence 1)I've become deeply concerned about what we're leaving behind. ex) I don't want to leave behind everyone. 2)Acres burned and homes destroyed have steadily. ex) I have learned English steadily and increasing my skills steadil

          Day 30:The study note from "Why wildfires have gotten worse- and what we can do about it"

          Day 29: The study note from "What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

          Good sentence 1)Sometimes memory is downright(Used to emphasize that something is completely bad or untrue) creative. ex) I can be downright stressfully sometimes. 2)Studies like this are exceedingly(=extremely) rare. ex)His GPA in univers

          Day 29: The study note from "What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

          Day28: The study note from "Why the pencil is perfect"

          Good sentence 1)The story of the pencil starts with graphite(a soft black substance that is a kind of carbon, used in pencils, paints, and electrical equipment). ex)This artificial graphite in order to use in nuclear reactors. 2)Over in Fr

          Day28: The study note from "Why the pencil is perfect"

          Day 27: The study note from

          Good sentence 1)That's my impersonation(to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not, in order to deceive people or for fun) of a fishing cat. ex) It's illegal to impersonate a teacher. 2)We don't know fishing cats as

          Day 27: The study note from

          Day 26: Study note from "The moon illusion"

          Good sentence 1)If so, you're not alone. ex)If so, you can go to the next trip. 2)Have all wrestled(to fight someone by holding them and pulling or pushing them) with this problem. ex)I have wrestled this issue however, still can not find

          Day 26: Study note from "The moon illusion"

          Day 25: The study note from"Augmented reality maps"

          Good sentence 1)We've been very hard at work on redefining the way maps work online. ex)I have been a very good job of redefining the way of studying 2)To show you the 3D structure of the city, all the facades(the front of a building, espe

          Day 25: The study note from"Augmented reality maps"

          Day 24: The study note from"What is obesity?"

          Good sentence 1)Sustained abundance(a large quantity of something) of good food enabled(to make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen) a healthier population to boom. ex) A Sustained abundance of good teacher

          Day 24: The study note from"What is obesity?"

          Day 23: The study note from"Less stuff, more happiness

          Good sentence 1)Did you know that we Americans have about three times the amount of space we did 50 years ago? ex)Did you know that we Japanese have about 5 times the amount of food we had 50 years ago? 2)Our happiness levels flat-lined ov

          Day 23: The study note from"Less stuff, more happiness

          Day 22: Study note from"The surprising habits of original thinkers"

          Good sentence 1)I obviously(used to mean that a fact can easily be noticed or understood) declined(to say no politely when someone invites you somewhere, offers you something, or wants you to do something) to invest. ex)I obviously declined

          Day 22: Study note from"The surprising habits of original thinkers"

          Day 21: Study note from "Every kid needs a champion

          Good sentence 1)I have done the same things for the past 40 years. ex) I have studied English for six years. 2)I should teach it, they should learn it, case closed(The aforementioned decision, outcome, resolution, or situation is final, wi

          Day 21: Study note from "Every kid needs a champion