
松尾さくらは、三重県の上野高校2年生で、俳人松尾芭蕉の子孫です。 4月、散りゆく桜を眺めながら、深い悲しみに暮れ、俳句を詠みました。

「散りゆくぞ かなしき花は われ見れぬ」

書き終えた彼女は突然、桜の花が散ることのない不思議な世界に転移したことに気がついた。 木々はいつも満開で、花びらはそよ風にそよそよと漂っていましたが、地面に落ちることはありませんでした。

さくらは、終わりのない桜を見て大喜びし、この世界で一週間過ごすことにしました。 彼女は花びらで作ったお菓子を食べ、果てしない桜の美しさを楽しみました。

しかし、数日後、さくらは何かが足りないと感じ始めた。彼女は、桜の美しさは儚いものであり、その短い存在がより貴重なものであることに気づきました。 彼女は散る桜を待ち望んで、その気持ちを俳句にしました。

「美しき それは散りゆく 桜かな」



Sakura Matsuo was a sophomore at Ueno High School in Mie Prefecture, and the descendant of the famous haiku poet Basho Matsuo. In April, as she gazed upon the falling cherry blossoms, she felt a deep sense of sadness and wrote a haiku to express her emotions.

As she finished writing, she suddenly found herself transported to a strange world where the cherry blossoms never fell. The trees were always in full bloom, and the petals drifted gently in the breeze, but never fell to the ground.

Sakura was overjoyed at the sight of the never-ending cherry blossoms and decided to spend a week in this world. She ate sweets made from the petals and enjoyed the endless beauty of the cherry blossoms.

However, after a few days, Sakura began to feel something was missing. She realized that the beauty of the cherry blossoms was in their ephemeral nature, and that their brief existence made them even more precious. She longed for the falling cherry blossoms and wrote a haiku to express her feelings.

To her surprise, as she finished the haiku, Sakura found herself back in front of the cherry blossom tree near Ueno High School. She looked up at the blossoms, and tears streamed down her face as she realized the true beauty of the fleeting cherry blossoms.

Sakura vowed to write more haikus that captured the beauty of nature's ephemeral moments and to cherish every moment of her life. She knew that, like the cherry blossoms, her time in this world was short and precious, and she was determined to make the most of it.
