
第14回GOAL発表会 “How Can You Help Fight Climate Change?”

English is below:






【日時】2023年8月26日(土)日本時間 20:00~21:30










・留学の予行練習をしたい etc…






What do you think the world will look like in 2050 due to climate change?

Increased natural disasters, water and food shortages, and widening inequality due to climate change are already happening now. Are we going to accept global warming as it is? Or can we take some action? Why don’t we think about this together?

We invite you to the 14th presentation event of the global training program “GOAL” organized by Alexsolutions.

This time, six trainees, ranging from high school students to graduate students, spent four days discussing the theme of SDG Goal 13: “Climate action” with supporters from Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Israel.

At the event, Japanese trainees will present their research in English. In the latter half of the event, all participants, regardless of nationality, will discuss the issues together.

★★Please register here★★ https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcld-iqrj0qGtTIO7ipiPulUidxW3ZupLT-

[Date] 26th August 2023

[Time] 20:00-21:30 JST / 11:00-12:30 UTC

[Language] English

[Fee] Free

We look forward to seeing you at this event!

*GOAL is an online global training program provided by Alexsolutions. The trainees select one of the themes related to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). They research and discuss it with supporters from Alexsolutions-related companies based in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Israel.
