

タイトルを見た瞬間、絶対に読みたいと思った本「Her Majesty the Queen Investigates a three dog problem」📗タイトルの通り、国民から愛され続けたエリザベス女王がバッキンガム宮殿で起こった殺人事件を調査します。しかも時は、イギリスの歴史的な転換期となったブレグジットが起こった2016年。


I was super excited to read this book by reading the title of this book in Waterstones! Our beloved  Queen Elizabeth ll had a murder to solve and the dead body was found in the swimming pool in Buckingham Palace… while the UK was divided into LEAVE or REMAIN for Brexit and faced one of the historical USA President elections - D. Trump vs H. Clinton.

I love the structure, setting and plot as a crime fiction book but the best of all is Queen Elizabeth! By reading how she communicated with her staff in the palace and how the staff think about her, I enjoyed visualising her facial expressions and imagining the details of her personality and liked that she is trusted by them all and cares about them individually.
