インターネット調査室: 「It’s Japan-centric’: Elon Musk names Japan as Twitter’s ideal market」 <ー ちょい深掘り記事、どうしてなのか? 日本のユーザーが知っていた合理的なTwitterの使い方&独特の売上(記事の後半)

今回は「It’s Japan-centric’: Elon Musk names Japan as Twitter’s ideal market」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Nextshark: 24 Nov,2022

「It’s Japan-centric’: Elon Musk names Japan as Twitter’s ideal market」: おや、これはどうしたことか?

Owner and Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk wants Twitter to view Japan as a model for other markets instead of the U.S.


“It may seem as though Twitter is U.S.-centric but if anything it’s Japan-centric,” Musk reportedly told employees. “There are roughly the same number of daily active users in Japan as there are in the U.S., despite the fact that Japan has one third of the population of the U.S.”

これって不思議で、どうして米国の1/3の人口の日本が、彼らと同じTwitter userなんですか? おかしいだろ? と、社長なら確かに言いたくなるでしょうね。

The reference came up after Musk suggested the company “somewhat decentralize things” by installing engineering teams in Japan, India, Indonesia and Brazil. After sacking nearly two-thirds of the company’s workforce, the new chief is reportedly hiring again.



Twitter’s popularity in Japan spiked in 2011 after the East Asian nation suffered the deadly Tohoku earthquake-tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster. At the time, the platform proved useful for acquiring real-time updates.


Since then, Twitter has continued to serve the same purpose. Its Japanese popularity has also been attributed to the brevity it provides as a character-based writing system, as well as its acceptance of anonymity, which allows users to express themselves more freely.

? 他国はエリアスネーム使わないの?

As of January 2022, the U.S. still remained Twitter’s largest market with 76.9 million users. Japan came in second place with 58.95 million



検索キー: It’s Japan-centric’: Elon Musk names Japan as Twitter’s ideal market
